
67 朋輩支援員訓練課程 本會第三屆朋輩支援員訓練課程已圓滿結束, 參加者包括來自精神健康服務的復元人士及公 眾。課程內容涉及復元及朋輩支援的知識、優 勢評估、同理反應及分享復元故事技巧。參加 者完成課程後,將到本會精神健康服務的單位 分享其復元故事。 第三屆朋輩支援員訓練課程分享助人及溝通技巧。 The 3rd Peer Supporter Training Course shared about helping and communication skills. Peer Supporter Training Course The 3 rd Peer Supporter Training Course was successfully held. Participants were recruited in different Mental Health Service units and through open recruitment. The course equipped participants with knowledge of recovery approach and peer support, strength assessment, empathic responding, and recovery story telling skills. Participants were invited to share their recovery stories in Mental Health Service units upon completion of the course. 社區音樂活動 本年度臨床心理學家统籌不同精神健康服務單 位的社區音樂活動,亦為朗澄坊之復元人士定 期帶領社區音樂小組。 Community music work Clinical Psychologist coordinated creative music activities at various mental health service units. He hosted community music groups regularly for PIR at Placidity Place. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year Responding to the Social Incidents In response to the social incidents taken place this year, more than 6 emotional support groups were held for our staff. Sharing session on “Conducting Debriefing Group” and “Understanding, Preventing and Healing Trauma” workshop was also conducted for professional staff to enhance their knowledge of clinical assessment and how to better handle PIR who were distressed by the social incidents. 回應社會事件 因應過去一年發生的社會事件,臨床心理學家為同工舉辦 超過 6 次心靈情緒支緩小組,並舉行「元朗社區心靈休息站 分享會」及「預防及治療創傷」工作坊,加強專業同工對受社 會事件影響的復元人士的支援及介入策略。