
6 總幹事報告 Chief Executive’s Report 社會事件加上 2019 冠狀病毒疫情肆虐,社會 服務於過往一年飽受挑戰,香港善導會亦不例 外,然而本會秉持「憑信念、創機會、傳希望」 的精神,與同工攜手迎難而上,和服務使用者 風雨中同行,與各界合力締造生機,向社會傳 遞希望與正能量。雖說過往一年困難重重,但 憑著本會上下共同努力,亦創造了一番成果。 迎難而上 傳遞希望 疫情期間特別工作安排 本會按照政府因疫情所頒布的政策,在最基本 服務不受影響的情況下,在疫情高峰期間安排 員工於家中工作,藉以減少 2019 冠狀病毒於社 區傳播的風險。為進一步確保員工安全,本會 收集前線同工意見後,由總辦事處統一支援並 訂購符合同工及服務需要的防疫物品,亦特別 設立措施,讓同工彈性上下班及用膳,以減低 同工於人口密集地方受感染的風險,並因應疫 情發展定期對同工之工作安排作出調整。 Our ability to provide our services faced serious challenges in the past year due to social incidents as well as the outbreak of COVID-19. However, by upholding the spirit of our motto to “create opportunity and deliver hope with faith”, we overcame these difficulties, walking with our service users through wind and rain. We strove to work with various stakeholders in the society and spread hope as well as positivity in the community. Through our efforts, the Society still achieved great progress despite the trying times. Delivering Hope in Trying Times Special Work Arrangements Under COVID-19 The Society echoed government policy by arranging our staff to work from home provided that our fundamental services were unaffected. This special work arrangements were implemented in the direction of fighting the virus and were adjusted from time to time in response to the situation of the epidemic. We strove to always stay one step ahead in protecting our staff and service users from COVID-19 by procuring protective items for them as recommended by our frontline staff. We also reduced our staff’s risk of infection by adopting flexible working hours and lunch hours. These arrangements were reviewed from time to time in accordance with the pandemic situation. 李淑慧 Anthea LEE Shuk-wai