
79 Sustainability and Diversify of Innovation “Working House” Project The project has progressed into its 3 rd year, and now there are 2 residential units in Cheung Chau for employed service users. Starting from 2017, we collaborated with Draco Human Resources Management Limited to arrange jobs and accommodations for service users so as to solve their housing needs and economic difficulties, and further integrate back to the community. 12 service users have lived there and worked nearby. 持續多元創新 「工」屋計劃 本計劃是本會自二零一七年與天龍人力資源管 理公司合作,以長洲作為試點,為獲聘的服務 使用者在工作地點附近安排住所,既解決其住 屋需要,亦紓緩經濟壓力,重投社會。計劃邁 入第三年,至今有 2 間宿舍,目前有 12 人入住, 並於該區工作。 Course Development In terms of course development, we organised new ERB “Foundation Certificate in Pest Control Worker Training” for prisoners in correctional institutions. We also offered ERB “Foundation Certificate in Floral Design and Applications II (Festive Floral Arrangements) (Part-time)” for general public; and “Foundation Certificate in Vocational Putonghua I (Part-time)”, “Foundation Certificate in Workplace English (Listening & Speaking) I (Part-time)”, “Foundation Certificate in Floral Design and Applications I (Part- time)”, “Foundation Certificate in Florist and Floriculture Assistant Training” and “Foundation Certificate in Barista Training” for persons with disabilities and persons recovered from work injuries to provide diversified and market-oriented trainings. 課程發展 課程發展方面,我們在懲教院所內新增僱員 再培訓局「防治蟲鼠處理員基礎證書」,並為公 眾新增僱員再培訓局「花藝設計及應用 II (節日 花飾)基礎證書(兼讀制)」;以及專為殘疾及工 傷康復人士新增「職業普通話 I 基礎證書(兼讀 制)」、「職業英語(聽力及會話) I 基礎證書(兼讀 制)」、「花藝設計及應用 I 基礎證書(兼讀制)」、 「花店實務及花藝設計助理基礎證書」及「咖啡 調製員基礎證書」,以提供多元化及具市場潛 力的課程。 「工」屋計劃為服務使用者提供穩定居所。 The “Working House” Project provides stable accommodation for employed service users.