
86 時刻回應社會需要 過去一年,香港社會出現動盪不穩的情況,我 們提供額外服務外,也調整服務模式,積極回 應當下的社會的需要及轉變。因應社會事件對 家庭關係的衝擊,我們在二零一九年九月邀請 香港教育大學兒童與家庭科學中心聯席總監林 俊彬博士及謝兆聰大律師舉辦講座,題為「在 家『和‧理‧非』」,分享親子相處之道及相關法 律知識。而在新冠肺炎疫情期間,我們舉辦「防 疫『手』要之派發酒精抹紙活動」,鼓勵市民消 毒手機外,亦要小心求證收到的訊息。同時, 我們善用視訊會議,為停課中的兒童及青少年 提供不同活動,調劑生活,也傳遞預防犯罪訊 息。 Constant Response to Social Situation In the past year, Hong Kong society has experienced turbulence and instability, we provided supplementary services and attuned the service models in response to the social needs and changes. In September 2019, the social incidents have posed unprecedented impact and challenges to the family relationship, we invited Dr. Lam Chun Bun, Associate Head of The Centre for Child and Family Science, Education University of Hong Kong and Mr. Tse Siu Chung Dixon, a barrister, to host a talk “PRN at Home” about parenting principles and related legal knowledge. Moreover, amid the COVID-19 outbreak, we have organised a “Fact-check Alcohol Pad Distribution” community event since March 2020, to encourage the public to disinfect their mobile phones and more importantly, to verify information received carefully. In the meantime, we made good use of video conferencing to provide different programmes to children and youth during class suspension, so as to offer entertainment and transmit crime prevention messages. 疫情期間,在社交平台發布短片帶出預防犯罪訊息。 Distributed short films on the social platforms to disseminate crime prevention message during the pandemic. 學生透過虛擬實境設備,置身於模擬監獄場景,體會違法的後果。 Student were using virtual reality devices to experience the consequences of committing crime in the progamme. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 地區宣傳:「滅罪‧助更生」 我們與黃大仙區及大埔區撲滅罪行委員會合 作,分別為區內中學及小學提供服務。我們在 黃大仙區的中學透過演出短劇《選擇劇場》,讓 學生參與連串的戲劇活動和辯論,並投選不同 情節的演出次序及結局。至於大埔區,我們在 活動中運用多元手法,包括戲劇活動、 VR 虛擬 實境技術、微電影和寫作,讓區內小學生經歷 選擇和相關刑責後果,認識更生人士的生命歷 程,並向他們表達鼓勵。兩項服務以不同的活 動設計,帶領學生重新檢視自己對違法者或更 生人士的固有想法,進一步反思違法、更生等 議題,達到預防犯罪與助更生的效果。 Community Work: Crime Prevention and Support for Rehabilitated Ex-offenders In collaboration with Wong Tai Sin District and Tai Po District Fight Crime Committees, we provided services to secondary schools and primary schools in respective districts. In Wong Tai Sin District, we arranged secondary students to participate in a series of drama activities and debates through our performance of a short play “Theatre of Choices” and co-created the sequence of episodes and the ending. The primary school programme in Tai Po District consisted of various activities, including drama activity, use of VR devices, micro-movie and letter-writing. Students were facilitated to experience decision-making process, think deeper about criminal consequences, understand the life journey of rehabilitated people, and show support to them. Both services were designed to induce reflection on stereotyped impression about rehabilitated ex-offenders and the concepts of crime and rehabilitation to strengthen crime prevention effects.