
91 Go Beyond Hong Kong Apart from local volunteer service, we have been actively expanding our service to overseas regions. This year, our volunteer teams participated two international events, including 5 community volunteers and 14 rehabilitated persons joined an international running competition named “Yellow Ribbon Prison Run 2019” held in Singapore in September. After a two months of in-depth training, they learned to incorporate positive thinking into their life. Also, we invited a community volunteer to attend the “16 th IAVE Asia Pacific Regional Volunteer Conference“ in Thailand in November, to share the volunteer service of SRACP with other regions’ representatives. They also discussed new directions of volunteer service and explored overseas volunteer service opportunities. Developing Volunteer Work from Home to Fight Coronavirus Together We adapted a new volunteer service model in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. Different activities for volunteering from home were designed to provide care and support to those in need, for example volunteers produced videos to remind everyone to maintain a good personal hygiene. Apart from that, cloth masks were produced to meet the needs of service users. To conform the current trend of society, we arranged online events with The University of Hong Kong via Zoom to continue our volunteer work and deliver warmth for the needs. 衝出香港 我們積極拓展義工服務至海外,義工隊本年度參與了兩項國際活動,包括 5 位社區義工與 14 位更生人士 於二零一九年九月到新加坡參加「 Yellow ribbon prison run 2019 」。他們共同經歷了兩個月的訓練後,體會 「堅持就是力量」,也學會將健康思維融入生活。另外, 1 位社區義工代表本會在十一月到泰國參加「第十 六屆 IAVE 亞太地區義務工作大會」,與不同地區的義工討論義務工作新思維及新發展。 齊心抗疫 推出在家義工服務 受新冠肺炎疫情影響,義工服務形式亦有所改變。我們推出各類「在家義工」活動,為有需要人士送上關 愛,例如拍攝防疫短片提醒大家注意個人衞生,更製作布口罩,以解服務使用者燃眉之急。同時,我們 聯同香港大學用 Zoom 舉辦網上義工活動,讓義工在家亦可繼續參與義務工作,傳揚愛心。