SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

8 秉持專業堅守服務 本會秉持以人為本的信念及服務模式,發展及 開拓一系列服務回應弱勢社群需要,為他們提 供生活保障,同時亦希望透過不同的服務,提 倡更生人士、精神復元人士及其他弱勢社群融 和,使社會更關愛、和諧。 賽馬會玩具圖書館 2.0 有見弱勢家庭缺乏社區支援網絡,本會於去年 四月至六月成功申請賽馬會「新冠肺炎緊急援 助基金」,開展了為期三個月的「賽馬會玩具圖 書館」服務後,今年再度申請賽馬會慈善信託 基金的資助,於本會 12 個服務單位展開為期 一年的「賽馬會玩具圖書館 2.0 」計劃,提供玩 具借用服務,並向有需要家庭提供更深入的支 援。此服務設有網上獎勵計劃、工作坊及社交 平台,鼓勵親子溝通以促進家庭關係。與此同 時,本會亦招募社區人士擔任助理協助運作此 服務,在接受相關服務訓練後向服務使用者分 享親子相處之道,加強社區聯繫網絡。 少數族裔社區大使計劃 本會向來致力推動社區關愛共融,在社會福利 署撥款支持下,於二零二零年十月正式在更生 康復服務推行為期三年的「少數族裔社區大使 試驗計劃」,期望能使地區服務更完善,同時為 少數族裔人士提供更多就業機會。為配合新計 劃,本會招聘了 4 位少數族裔人士,聯同本會 的少數族裔社工、福利工作員及朋輩支援員, 在灣仔、油尖旺、北區、屯門及元朗等 9 個地區 發展少數族裔服務,包括提供外展服務、小組 及個人輔導服務、翻譯服務、陪診服務等,並 在機構內舉辦有關少數族裔的工作坊和訓練, 加強同工對少數族裔的認知及敏感度,使本會 服務能更完善照顧不同社群的需要。 Service Development SRACP had been adopting a people-oriented approach to develop series of services to respond to the needs of the social disadvantaged groups. We also hoped to promote the social integration of ex-offenders, persons in recovery and other social disadvantaged groups in order to contribute to a more inclusive community. Jockey Club Quality Family Time through Play 2.0 Knowing the disadvantaged families do not have enough social support network, the Society had applied for the Hong Kong Jockey Club “COVID-19 Emergency Fund” to launch a 3-month service namely “Jockey Club Quality Family Time through Play” to address their needs in the epidemic. This year, we had further applied for the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to launch a project named “Quality Family Time through Play 2.0” in 12 service units to provide the families in need a more in-depth support by offering lending service of toys. Online award scheme, workshops and social platform had been established in order to build family bonding. Moreover, community members were recruited to share with the service users the knowledge of building child-parent relationship as well as to enhance the users’ social network with the community. Ethnic Minority District Ambassador The Society had long been contributing to the development of an inclusive society. With such an aim, a three-year “Ethnic Minority District Ambassador pilot scheme” was launched in October 2020 to provide more career opportunities for the ethnic minority. Four ethnic minorities were employed as the ambassadors and they worked with the social workers, welfare workers and peer supporters to provide services including outreaching service, group and individual counselling, translation for ethnic minorities as well as escorting them for attending medical follow-ups when necessary. The ambassadors had also conducted workshops and trainings about communicating with ethnic minorities to enhance our staff’s sensitivity to the culture of ethnic minorities so that our service could better address the needs of different groups of users.