SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

98 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 義工服務走上網 隨著疫情持續及反覆,不少實體的義工服務未 能進行,本單位善用資訊科技開拓網上義工服 務,讓公眾在家也能參與其中,包括與香港城 市大學合作,將「真人圖書館」改以線上形式進 行,讓香港城市大學學生能與服務使用者在線 上對話交流,增加他們對更生人士的了解與包 容。 同時,我們亦與香港大學合作,安排學生接受 事前訓練,並由他們構思與少數族裔及在囚人 士的子女進行網上服務,讓各服務對象能在停 學期間繼續學習及玩樂。 此外,我們與香港城市大學犯罪學及社會學課 程合作進行線上「甦 Life 」,由更生人士以導賞 形式,訴說其改變的契機、領悟與反思。 Online Volunteer Services With the uncertainties of the pandemic, physical volunteer service had to be changed to virtual activities for the public to participate. We collaborated with the City University of Hong Kong to organise “Human Library” programme in an online format, so that students could communicate with the rehabilitated service users through web conferencing. Participants could gain a deeper understanding of ex-offenders and the challenges they faced. Meanwhile, we co-worked with the University of Hong Kong to provide training activities for students, and then they organised online services for children whose parents are ethnic minority or incarcerated. The programme aimed to providing learn and play during the school suspension. In addition, we collaborated with the Criminology and Sociology Courses of the City University of Hong Kong, to conduct an online programme named “So Life”, in which the rehabilitated persons held a community tour and shared their changes. 會友於「甦 Life 」活動分享其更 生故事。 Our service users shared his story in “So Life”. 會友義工透過網絡向公眾講述自己的故事。 Service user volunteers shared his story to the general public via the internet.