SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

99 與義同行 走出「疫」境 在疫情下,不少義工的生計大受影響,本單位 推行「抗疫天能」計劃,讓因疫情而失業的義工 以「導師」身份參與,向其他義工傳授技能。此 計劃除增進義工的知識外,亦鼓勵他們積極走 出「疫」境,達到雙贏效果。我們成功召募 23 位 專才義工向會內不同義工教授其專長或技能, 當中包括手機攝影、揮春製作、環保工作坊、 乒乓球、泰拳、尼泊爾美食、英語、茶藝等小 組,超過 160 人參加。導師之後與義工進行其 他義工服務,並總共完成 170 小時的服務,共 381 位服務對象受惠。 Along with Volunteer to Navigate Through the Pandemic Last year, many volunteers’ livelihood were significantly affected during the pandemic. We implemented a programme “Talent” to recruit unemployed volunteers to participate as “mentors” and teach their skills and expertise to others. The participants could build up a positive and continuous learning culture for a win-win effect. We successfully recruited 23 talented volunteers to teach their expertise or skills to others, including the mobile photography, “Fai Chun” workshop, eco-friendly workshop, table tennis, Muay Thai, Nepalese cuisine workshop, English teaching, tea art, etc. More than 160 volunteers participated in the programme. They provided 170 hours of volunteer services to benefit 381 service targets after the workshops. 義工感謝禮 2020 義工嘉許禮是機構的年度盛事,在疫情下改以 網上形式。為感謝各位義工於艱難時刻繼續與 我們並肩同行,今年改名為「感謝禮」。當日除 頒發義工感謝狀外,亦播放疫情下服務故事, 包括「疫情下的小天使」、「代購克大行動」、「撐 著你」同行小組、「疫情下的守護者」,當日共 133 位義工於線上共同見證這些別具意義的時 刻。 Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony 2020 Volunteer Award Ceremony is an annual event of the Society, which had to be conducted online due to the pandemic. Thanks to all volunteers’ utmost support, and walked with us to get through this challenging time, we decided to rename the “Volunteer Award Ceremony” to “Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony”. There were 133 volunteers to join the online ceremony. In addition to issuing the award certificates, we broadcasted the videos about the volunteer services during the epidemic, including “Little Angels under the epidemic”, “Dunkirk-purchasing supporter”, “Supporting You — Three of us” and “Protectors in the Epidemic”. 社區義工出席義工感謝禮 2020 。 The community volunteers attended the Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony 2020. 油康滙和少數族裔及健康教育服務義工 獲頒發獎狀。 YMTRH and EMHES volunteers were awarded a certificate.