SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

100 特別服務計劃 Specialised Project 自二零一七年,本會積極連繫社區力量,與善 心業主、專業人士及捐助者合作推出「甦屋」計 劃,成為推動過渡性社會房屋的先導者之一。 本會於二零一七年至一八年,共發展 3 間甦 屋,分別位於油麻地和新蒲崗。計劃為更生人 士提供適切居所,協助他們建立社會資本,預 備重投社區獨立生活。本年度,油麻地和新蒲 崗單位共支援 21 位獨居更生人士,及 2 位單親 媽媽和其子女。 Since 2017, the Society has been actively connecting with the community stakeholders, including landlords, professionals and donors, to develop the “So Uk” Project which became one of the pioneers in promoting transitional social housing. From 2017 to 2018, three So Uk units were established in Yau Ma Tei and San Po Kong to provide affordable housing with good quality for service users. The Project aims to help service users to establish social capital and reintegrate into the community. This year, beneficiaries included 21 ex-offenders, 2 single mothers and their children. 動員社區力量 推出嶄新「甦屋」計劃 Mobilise Community Resources to Launch “So Uk” Project 「甦屋」計劃為更生人士提供適切的過渡性 居所,協助他們重投社會。 “So Uk” Project provides affordable and quality accommodation to ex-offenders to help them get back on tracks. 「甦屋」住客做好清潔,加強 防疫。 Residents paid extra attention to personal and flat hygiene under pandemics. 靜觀工作坊讓住客提升身心健康。 Mindfulness workshop aimed to promote the mental wellness of residents.