SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

101 理財工作坊旨在協助住客學習基本的 獨立生活知識和技能。 Financial management workshop aimed to help residents to acquire basic independent living knowledge and skills. 青年住客義工協助籌辦中秋節齊整燈籠比賽,推動 跨代共融和互助。 With the assistance from youth volunteers, a Mid-Autumn lantern- making competition was held to promote communication and support among different age groups. “So Uk” Project has expanded to various deprived groups during the year. We joined the Hong Kong Council of Social Service Community Housing Movement to establish the fourth “So Uk” — “So Uk Multi-generational Co-living Housing Project” (So Uk 2.0) at Staunton Street, Central. It was officially launched in February 2020 and achieved an 85% occupancy rate in the fourth month after commencement. Promoting cross-generational integration and family-like support network, “So Uk” 2.0 provided an affordable and safe transitional accommodation to 29 singletons with disadvantaged background, including 12 out-of-home youths, 9 middle-aged and 8 elders up till March 2021. In addition, 4 service users achieved independent living by moving to public rental housing and private units. Under the pandemics, the service team regularly visited “So Uk” residents to remind their personal hygiene to minimise the risk of COVID-19 spreading at the units. During the year, “So Uk 2.0” organised 19 small groups and online activities. In addition, we launched a “So Fun Time Voucher Programme” in the 3rd quarter of 2021 to encourage residents to participate in voluntary work and earn a time voucher for rewards which are related to personal wellness and development. The programme aims to assist service users in connecting with the community, transforming from receivers to contributors, and building a new social identity. 去年,「甦屋」計劃的服務對象擴展至其他弱勢 社群。本會成為香港社會服務聯會的共享房屋 計劃營運機構之一,在中環士丹頓街開展第 4 個「甦屋」項目 — 「甦屋」跨代獨居人士共住計劃 (「甦屋 2.0 」),並已於二零二零年二月正式投入 服務,入住率於計劃開展第四個月已達到平均 85% 。該計劃以推動跨代共融及模擬家庭支援 網絡為宗旨,截至二零二一年三月為 29 位獨居 人士提供過渡性住宿服務,包括 12 位青年、 9 位中年及 8 位長者;年內有 4 名服務使用者成功 遷往公屋及私人樓宇,達成在社區獨立生活的 目標。 在疫情期間,同工致力協助「甦屋」住戶保持個 人及環境衛生,以防止傳播病毒。此外,「甦屋 2.0 」舉辦了 19 項小組及網上活動,並於第三季 推出「甦 Fun 時分券計劃」,鼓勵服務使用者參 與義工活動,賺取時分券換領可幫助個人發展 及身心健康的獎勵,協助他們聯繫社區,由受 惠者轉化為貢獻者,建立新的身份和社會認同 感。