SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

102 賽馬會「拍住上」共居社區計劃 全方位起動 Jockey Club “Craft Your Life Together” Co-living Community Project Commence from all fronts 二零二一年標誌著「賽馬會『拍住上』共居社區 計劃」的發展新里程。本計劃於二零一九年正 式啟動,過去兩年在建築及服務發展兩方面均 順利進行。 筲箕灣宿舍拆卸工程於今年三月竣工,賽馬會 「拍住上」共居社區計劃 — 「賽馬會箕寓」動工儀 式隨後於六月二日圓滿舉行。本會衷心感謝計 劃的捐助機構香港賽馬會慈善信託基金,以及 地區夥伴社會福利署東區及灣仔區福利辦事 處、民政事務總署東區民政處、東區區議會鼎 力支持是次動工儀式;並向親臨參與的本會會 長、執行委員會和各個委員會,以及本計劃的 建築事務委員會、服務及督導委員會的主席、 副主席及委員致謝。儀式同時於網上直播,讓 因疫情關係未能於現場參與的本會委員、職員 及各界友好一同見證本會的歷史性時刻。 2021 marks new milestones for Jockey Club “Craft Your Life Together” Co-living Community Project (JCCCP). The Project was launched successfully in 2019 and achieved encouraging progress in the past 2 years. Demolition of the former Shau Kei Wan House was completed in March 2021, and the Work Commencement Ceremony of Jockey Club Key House was held on 2 nd June. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the funder of the Project, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, and our community partners, Eastern & Wan Chai District Social Welfare Office, Social Welfare Department; Eastern District Office, Home Affairs Department and Eastern District Council. The presence of the Society’s President, Chairpersons, Vice-chairpersons and members of the Executive Committee, various committees, as well as JCCCP’s Building Committee and Programme and Steering Committee at the ceremony were highly appreciated. Due to Covid-19 safety measures, live broadcast of the ceremony was done simultaneously to ensure all committee members, staff and stakeholders of SRACP were able to join us in witnessing the memorial moment of the Society. 左起:主禮嘉賓香港善導會常務副主席 潘兆童法官、會長楊振權副庭長、香港賽 馬會慈善項目高級經理(青年、教育及 扶貧)曾芷詩女士,以及本會主席李瀚良 高等法院暫委法官。 From left: Officiating guests, The Hon. Mr. Justice POON Siu-tung, Deputy Chairperson of Executive Committee, SRACP; The Hon. Mr. Justice Wally YEUNG, V-P, President of SRACP; Ms. Elsie Tsang, Executive Manager, Charities (Youth, Education & Poverty Alleviation), The Hong Kong Jockey Club and Deputy High Court Judge Patrick LI, Chairperson of Executive Committee, SRACP. 左起:主禮嘉賓本會總幹事李淑慧女士、社會福利署東區及灣仔區福 利專員胡美卿女士、民政事務總署東區民政事務專員陳尚文太平紳 士、東區區議會社會福利及安老事務委員會主席麥德正先生。 From left: Officiating guests, Ms. Anthea LEE Shuk-wai, Chief Executive of SRACP; Ms. Patricia WOOMei Hing, District Social Welfare Officer, Eastern &Wan Chai District Social Welfare Office, Social Welfare Department; Mr. Simon CHAN Sheung Man, JP, District Officer, Eastern District Office, Home Affairs Department and Mr. MAK Tak-ching, Chairman of Social Welfare and Elderly Committee, Eastern District Council.