SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

103 樓高四層的筲箕灣宿舍拆卸工程 於本年度第一季順利完成。 Demolition of former four- storey Shau Kei Wan House was completed in Q1 2021. 「賽馬會箕寓」將綠色建築及智能科技融入生活和樓宇管理之 中,為家外青年和復元人士帶來便利和健康的生活體驗。 Jockey Club Key House will be a state-of-the-art co-living building integrated with green and smart living elements for out-of-home-youths and persons in recovery. 隨著「賽馬會箕寓」建築工程的開展,為期兩年 的「賽馬會『拍住上』共居社區計劃」先導計劃亦 於今年四月開始推行。本計劃以家外青年(須 離開兒童院舍或其他住宿服務但未能回家居 住的青年)和精神復元人士為服務對象,揉合 從海外引入、專門為無家青年而設計的 Foyer Model ,以及在精神健康服務界別廣泛應用的 復元模式,創建一個全新的共住服務模式,為 兩個群組提供一站式過渡性住宿及發展服務, 推動互惠共生概念,同時連結社區人士,攜手 構建互助共融的社區。 Along with the commencement of construction works of Jockey Club Key House, a 24-month Pilot Run of JCCCP was also carried out in April 2021. The Project aims to create a new co-living model for Out-of-home Youths (OHY, youths that are leaving residential child care service or other residential services but cannot move back to their own families) and Persons in Recovery (PIRs) by integrating a newly introduced from overseas for homeless youth, the Foyer Model, and the Recovery Model, which is widely used in mental health service to provide a one-stop transitional accommodation and support service to the two target groups. We hope to join hands with community stakeholders to promote the synergy of mutual support and co-create an inclusive community. *  構想圖 Rendering