SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

104 「賽馬會鼓掌 • 創你程計劃」由香港賽馬會慈善 信託基金策劃及捐助,計劃於二零二零年九月 展開第二階段,以生涯發展介入模式啟發青年 發揮潛能,開拓多元職涯出路。主要服務對象 為 29 歲或以下有生涯規劃需要的青年(包括待 學、待業、離家、居於院舍或更生青年),與商 界、政府及學校等各方面合作,為服務使用者 度身訂造生涯規劃服務,讓他們順利由學校過 渡至工作環境。我們期望青年透過計劃可以展 現無限可能,並建立積極人生以貢獻社會。 服務團隊來自不同單位的同工,並積極繫則仁 中心學校及懲教署豐力樓推行生涯規劃發展小 組,加上配合本會的僱主網絡及培訓資源,協 助青年經歷生涯規劃四大階段,包括「啟發參 與」、「自我認識及發展」、「探索多元出路」及「生 涯規劃管理」,讓他們可以累積及建立生涯規 需的知識和技能,開拓多元職涯出路。 CLAP@JC (“CLAP”) is created and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust; Phase II of the project commenced in September 2020. Our service users including young ex-offenders and institutionalised youths aged 15 to 29. It is an evidence-based career and life development intervention model and various innovative artefacts, together with the collaboration from the business sector, the government, the schools and the communities, offering assistance service to youths for their future career life development. The project provided tailor-made services to assist youths in planning their future career and facilitated a smooth transition from school to the working environment. We envision the youths to be able to achieve meaningful lives and aspire to make positive contributions to society. Our service team has been formed who are all experienced colleagues from different service units of the Society. The team actively liaised with Chak Yan Centre School and the Phoenix House of the Correctional Services Department to implement life career development programmes. In addition, with our employer network and training resources, we assisted the youths to experience the four main stages in their career planning, namely “engagement”, “self-understanding”, “career and pathway exploration”, and “career planning and management”, with the aim of assisting youths to accumulate and establish the required work knowledge, as well as exploring multiple career paths. 為弱勢青年提供生涯發展服務 Career and Life Development Service for Disadvantaged Youths 為豐力樓青年受監管者進行生涯 發展小組。 Young ex-offenders in Phoenix House are participating in the life career development group.