SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

未來發展重點 Upcoming Development Focus 社會康復及預防犯罪服務 面對疫情新常態,同工積極發展網上活動,並 為服務使用者提供相關支援,增強他們對資訊 科技的認識和加強他們的防疫準備。未來一 年,我們繼續結合法院社工服務和不同單位同 工的力量,為因為社會事件而被捕的人士及其 家屬提供重點支援,協助他們面對審訊和刑釋 後重投社會的挑戰。 在服務層面,我們結合「美好生命模式」、朋輩 培訓及家庭介入手法;並研究服務指標,以建 立預防犯罪的「保護因子」。我們會繼續拓展與 政府部門和地區團體的緊密合作,深化綜合服 務模式,不單為青年提供生涯規劃服務,並為 違法者、在囚人士、更生康復者、非華裔人士 及其家庭提供多元化服務,以轉化更多服務者 成為貢獻者。 Social Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Service Facing the “new normal” of COVID-19, we will actively develop online programmes and provide relevant support to service users by enhancing their information communication technologies skills and knowledge on epidemic prevention measures. In addition, Court Social Work Service, other units and us will continue to support social incidents arrestees and their families to handle the court procedure and re-integrate into the society after release. Meanwhile, we will incorporate the “Good Lives Model”, peers training and family intervention as our service delivery focus. By studying the service indicators, the “protective factors” for crime prevention will be developed. Moreover, we will continue to provide career and life development service to the youngsters, and strengthen the one-stop service mode at Integrated Service Centres for people in conflict with law, inmates, rehabilitated ex- offenders, ethnic minorities and their families by developing a close collaboration with different government departments and district organisations, so as to transform more service users into contributors in society. 105