SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

107 社區教育及義工服務 面對疫情新常態,社區教育及預防犯罪服務與 時並進致力發展網上活動,增加與公眾的連 繫,傳播預防犯罪訊息。同時,鑑於社會欺凌 事件在疫情期間有所上升,我們將推出全新的 「欺『零』專題日」,增加學生對欺凌的認識和帶 來的法律後果。 「我們仨」是義工發展服務的來年重點。社會接 納及支持是對服務對象康復路程一個重要的基 石,而「我們仨」配合「幸福感元素 (PERMA+) 」元 素,加入義工們的參與復康過程,協助其建立 穩定的社交圈子及增強其幸福感。 Community Education and Volunteer Service In light of the “new normal” under the COVID-19 pandemic, Community Education and Crime Prevention Service is dedicated to implementing online programmes to extend the platform for connecting the public to spread crime prevention messages. Furthermore, we highly concerned about the growing number of bullying cases during school suspension period caused by the epidemic, a new structured programme “ 欺「零」專題日 ” will be launched in the future, with the aim to enhance their knowledge of consequence of bullying. 職業服務及社會企業 職業服務及社會企業會繼續提升系統化技能訓練,提供社會 創新及創業計劃,以孕育更多創業家,及營造僱主營商新網 絡,共同創造不同的工作機會予更生人士、弱勢青年及其他 弱勢社群,讓他們能充分展現其自我潛能和價值。 Employment Service and Social Enterprise We will continue to enhance systematic skills training and provide social innovation and entrepreneurship plan, as well as developing a new employer and business network, in order to co-create different job opportunities to rehabilitated ex-offenders, disadvantaged youth and other underprivileged groups for revealing their self-potentials and values. “Three of Us” will be the main focus of the Volunteer Development Service in the coming year. We believe that social acceptance and support is the significant cornerstones to rehabilitate. “Three of Us” emphasised the volunteers’ participation in the rehabilitation with the service users by adopting “PERMA+”. It aims at building up a stable social network and a sense of well-being for them.