SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

9 「藍巴士賽馬會結伴成長計劃」 研究顯示,父或母一方入獄會對子女的成長帶 來深遠影響,甚至引致跨代犯罪。有見及此, 支援在囚人士子女及其照顧者的需要實在刻不 容緩。本會獲得香港賽馬會慈善信託基金撥款 支持,與香港小童群益會合作拓展原有服務, 設立先導計劃 — 「藍巴士賽馬會結伴成長計 劃」,希望為在囚或更生人士、其子女及照顧者 提供一站式的支援,促進正面的親子關係。計 劃在懲教署支持下推出全港首個專為在囚父親 而設,以 6 至 9 歲兒童為本的的「懲教院所家長 遙距課程」,課程內容圍繞他們經常面對的育 兒難題,輔以他們較少接觸的親子教育知識, 幫助他們了解子女成長需要。參加者完成課 程後,可獲由香港大學及本計劃共同簽發的證 書,並與子女一起在院所內參加畢業禮,藉此 促進正面的親子聯繫。截至二零二一年三月, 計劃共服務 176 個家庭,包括 220 位 18 歲以下孩 子。 轉化作貢獻 建立社會資本 本會近年積極發展朋輩支援工作,期望透過義 工服務及相關活動,鼓勵服務使用者,以個人 經歷及「過來人」的寶貴經驗,給予其他有需要 人士支持與鼓勵,同時在社區傳遞復元的概 念,轉化成為社區貢獻者。 更生義工 重塑生命意義 「社區歸屬感」及「關係與友誼」是「美好生命模 式」中重要的一環,對更生人士復康有莫大幫 助。因此,本會致力鼓勵服務使用者參與義工 服務,為他們提供各類義工服務相關技巧訓 練,安排不同義工服務,包括為舍友理髮、探 訪安老院長者等,讓他們學會關心社區中的弱 勢社群,感受助己助人的快樂,由受助者轉化 為貢獻者。 “Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project” Research findings suggested that parent’s imprisonment could bring great impact to the growth of their children and could even lead to criminal influence. Funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Society collaborated with The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong to develop a pilot project based on our existing service namely “Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project” which aimed to provide all-rounded supporting service for the children and youth, whose parents are arrested, incarcerated or ex-offenders, as well as their caregivers in order to facilitate the positive family relationship. With the support of Correctional Services Department, the first distance learning programme in Hong Kong designed for fathers in custody on enhancing their child-caring knowledge and to let them understand the needs of their children. The participants could be granted certificate jointly issued by the Society and The University of Hong Kong after completing the programme. Their children would also be invited to join the closing ceremony in the institutions in hope that the family bonding could be enhanced. Till March 2021, the project had served 176 families including 220 children under 18 years old. Transform Lives to Build Social Capital Recently, the Society had been developing peer supporter services proactively with an aim to encourage our service users to support the people in need by sharing their unique experience through delivering volunteer services as well as to transform into the contributors in the community to promote the concept of recovery. From User to Volunteer: Rebuild the Meaning of Life “Community” and “Relatedness” are the important elements of the “Good Lives Model (GLM)” to facilitate offender rehabilitation. Admitting the importance of these elements, the Society had been committed to encourage service users to participate in volunteer services by providing and arranging them with various volunteering skills training as well as volunteer service, including hair dressing service for hostel residents, visiting service for elders in nursing homes etc., aiming at transforming service users from receivers to contributors. Service users did not only learn to care for disadvantaged groups, but also had the joy of helping throughout the process.