SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

109 服務 概覽 Service Overview 機構傳訊 Corporate Communications 機構傳訊部的職責是通過策略性核心活動,加 強對內、外的合作和溝通,宣傳機構的核心價 值、使命、願景和成就。當中包括聯絡傳媒、 製作刊物、舉辦籌款活動、與持份者溝通、機 構形象管理、處理申訴等工作,以提升公眾對 本會的認識及支持。 The Corporate Communications Division (CCD) is responsible for enhancing internal and external communications, as well as highlighting the agency vision, mission, values and achievements through strategic core activities. These include media liaison, production of corporate collaterals, fundraising events organisation, stakeholder’s communication, agency branding management, and complaints handling etc., to obtain public recognition and support. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 推動機構革新 以提升專業形象 本會繼續連繫不同的傳媒,及善用社交平台, 宣傳機構多元優質及創新服務,加強公眾對 本會的了解。年內約有 60 則關於本會服務的 報道,以及於社交平台發佈超過 300 篇帖子, 接觸不同層面年及年齡的市民。本會亦作出嶄 新嘗試,與香港電台節目《萬千寵愛》聯合製作 共 26 集錄音訪問,並在節目內播放,目的是向 市民分享更生人士及其家庭的勵志故事,亦有 支持更生人士復元的好人好事,以推廣預防犯 罪,策勵更生的訊息。 Undergo a Rebranding Initiative to Enhance Professional Image of SRACP To further disseminate the diverse and innovative services, SRACP continued to connect with media outlets and make good use of social media. During the year, 60 news articles were conducted for the Society’s services, and over 300 social media posting were recorded, reaching out to people of different ages and levels. Also, SRACP made an innovative move in collaboration with Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) to produce 26 episodes of a radio programme series. It aimed at sharing the messages of crime prevention and our diversified services through the story of rehabilitated persons. 本會接受不同媒體訪問,在疫情下推出創新服務, 支援弱勢社群。 SRACP shared innovative services at the media interview sessions for disadvantaged groups during the pandemic.