SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

110 適逢二零二二年為香港善導會成立 65 周年,為 迎接機構邁向新里程,機構傳訊部積極協助機 構進行「機構革新和提升機構形象」項目,向大 眾展示本會多元創新和專業的形象,及籌劃一 系列別出心裁的慶祝及慈善活動,與大眾一起 迎接周年誌慶。 機構傳訊部每年都會悉心製作優質的機構刊物 及宣傳片,讓不同持份者認識本會的工作和服 務成效,以及掌握機構的最新動向。本會去年 亦重整持份者資料庫,讓他們能定期接收到機 構最新資訊,持續支持本會各項服務。 連繫社會各界 扶弱抗疫 去年,新冠肺炎疫症為香港社會和經濟的發展 帶來不少衝擊。本會十分關注弱勢社群在疫情 下的需要,感謝社會福利署、各界善長和友好 伙伴慨贈防疫物資,讓本會派發予弱勢社群及 服務受眾,大大減輕他們張羅物資的壓力,解 決其燃眉之急,本會至今派發 30 萬個外科口 罩予有需要的弱勢社群。(捐贈者名單詳列於 P.127 鳴謝章節內。) To commemorate the 65 th anniversary of the establishment of SRACP in 2022, Corporate Communications Division endeavoured to assist in the Society’s “Rebranding Project”, to showcase the Society’s diverse, innovative and professional image. Furthermore, we will launch a series of ingenious celebrations and charity events so that members of the public can join us for the grand occasion. In order to enhance the professionalism of the Society and stay in touch with different sectors, CCD produced high-quality corporate publications and videos enabling stakeholders to know more about the latest development and achievements of the Society. The donor database of SRACP was also overhauled, ensuring the most updated news could be reached to our donors promptly and appeal for their continued support. Connecting with Different Sectors to Support the Disadvantaged During the Pandemic Last year, COVID-19 pandemic had dealt a heavy blow to Hong Kong’s social and economic development. SRACP is highly aware of the needs of disadvantaged groups. Thanks to the invaluable support from Social Welfare Department, as well as kind-hearted benefactors and partners, SRACP distributed a total of 300,000 surgical masks to the disadvantaged groups and our service users so that they can tide over the pandemic crisis. (Those donors are listed in page 127 of the Acknowledgement section.) 疫情來襲,本會連繫社會上不同界別, 提供抗疫物資予弱勢社群。 With the onslaught of the epidemic, SRACP has been liaising with different community sectors to provide anti-epidemic materials to the underprivileged. 香港善導會 2018/19 年報於第 34 屆國際 ARC 年報大獎 中,榮獲「非牟利機構 — 康復及預防犯罪服務」類別的 整體表現銅獎。 SRACP Annual Report 2018/19 won a Bronze Award (overall presentation) under the category of “Non-Profit organisation (Print Annual Report): Rehabilitation & Crime Prevention Service” at the 34 th International ARC Awards.