SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

111 本會感謝各方友好、夥伴及善長積極支持, 積極參與「金旗認捐」活動。 Thanks to the support from partners and donors for their active support and participation in the "Golden Flag Pledge" campaign. 靈活創新 拓展籌募新模式 鑑於新冠肺炎疫情反覆不定,年內本會大型籌 募活動難以實體方式舉行,遂調整籌募策略, 融入線上元素,減低疫情對籌募工作的影響, 冀籌集足夠資源以維持非社署恒常資助的服務 所需。 本會原定於二零二零年九月五日舉行全港賣 旗日,因疫情持續而取消街上賣旗活動,主力 透過網頁和社交平台宣傳「金旗認捐」活動, 並配合電子交易平台,讓善長即使足不出戶也 能對弱勢社群表達關愛。承蒙各方友好、企業 伙伴、本會委員、職員和服務使用者的積極支 持,最後籌得近港幣 40 萬元善款,用以支持弱 勢社群及預防犯罪服務。 Flexible and Creative Way to Raise Funds The fluctuating changes of COVID-19 during the year posed significant challenges to our fundraising work. Some of the Society’s fundraising activities could not be conducted physically, therefore we flexibly adjusted fundraising strategies and incorporated online elements in response to the pandemic, and to ensure sufficient resources were raised to sustain the development of non-subvented services. SRACP’s Territory-wide Flag Day was initially scheduled on September 5, 2020. In view of the severe epidemic situation, we had to cancel outdoor flag-selling activity and focused on appealing the “Gold Flag Donation” campaign through our website and social media, together with the addition of applying electronic payment platforms to encourage the public to support us safely from home. The arduous flag day eventually raised approximately HK$400,000 with the tremendous support from our partners, corporates, committee members, staff and service users to support the development of underprivileged and crime prevention services.