SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

112 香港善導會推出特別版「風景卡」,吸引 大眾參與第八屆甦 Walk 。 SRACP launched a special edition of "Scenic Card" for the 8 th So Walk to attract public participation. 第八屆甦 Walk 吸引近不少人參加支持。 The 8 th Walk attracted substantial participants to support. 甦 Walk 慈善步行是本會年度重點籌款活動。因 應政府的防疫措施,第八屆甦 Walk 未能舉行實 體賽事,改以線上形式進行。參加者於二零二 一年一月至二月活動期間,不受時間、地點限 制自由參加。面對經濟不景的衝擊,本會非常 感謝「天龍控股有限公司」、「匯財金融投資控 股有限公司」及「利眾清潔有限公司」再次聯合 冠名贊助活動,以及多間善心企業鼎力支持, 活動最後吸引近 500 人參加,成功籌得逾港幣 30 萬元善款,用以支援弱勢家庭,預防跨代犯 罪。 隨著線上捐款日趨普及,本會已設多個電子捐 款平台,包括 PayMe 商用電子錢包、中銀「捐款 易」、八達通等方式,便利公眾捐款支持。本會 亦積極拓展線上籌募活動,例如「紅酒俠•慈 善紅酒義賣活動」,感謝本會籌募委員會主席 黃英豪博士, BBS, JP 慷慨捐贈多款法國紅酒。 本會社會企業委員會主席王則左大律師及 Calla Lily Vineyard & Winery 所捐贈的美國紅酒。紅酒 俠活動成功籌得逾港幣 23 萬元善款,是次活動 所有收益將用以推動預防犯罪服務和資助弱勢 社群的健康檢查及教育工作。 So Walk is the key fundraising event of SRACP. In the time of COVID-19, SRACP modified the form of the 8 th So Walk in response to the government’s anti-epidemic measures by having it online this year, allowing participants join the event from January to February 2021 without time and location constraints. Our sincerely gratitude to title sponsor “Draco Holdings Limited”, “Finsoft Financial Investment Holdings Limited” and “Benefit Cleaning Limited” for jointly sponsored the event again, as well as the generous support from various charitable corporations. Nearly 500 participants were participated and over HK$300,000 was raised for the development of the underprivileged and crime prevention services. In light of the increasing popularity of online donation, SRACP launched several electronic donation platforms to provide the public with more diversified and convenient ways to donate, including PayMe for Business, BOC E-Donation Platform, Octopus, etc. Meanwhile, SRACP actively explored new charity activities, such as “SRACP Charity Wine Sale: The Wine Knight”. Our heartfelt thanks to the Chairperson of Fund-Raising Committee Dr. Kennedy WONG Ying-ho, BBS, JP for donating different choices of French red wine; and US red wine donation from the Chairperson of Social Enterprise Committee Mr. Samuel WONG Chat-chor, Barrister-at-law and Calla Lily Vineyard & Winer. Over HK$230,000 was raised for supporting the crime prevention services development and health check & education of disadvantaged groups.