SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

114 推動機構數碼轉型 為配合機構的資訊科技發展方向及策略,本會 已成立「數碼轉型委員會」及「資訊及通訊科技 應用小組」以監控和檢視資訊科技發展、支援 數碼科技和數據應用,以優化運作和服務。 本會正在革新內聯網,善用 SharePoint 使同工 有效地共用和管理會內資訊、知識以及應用程 式,讓團隊工作更得心應手、迅速找出資訊, 讓同工順暢進行日常工作。另外,本會精神健 康服務的 4 間中途宿舍獲社會福利署的樂齡及 康復創科應用基金資助,本組正協助籌備「中 途宿舍管理系統」,冀將中途宿舍的日常運作 和記錄電子化,例如利用二維條碼核對舍友身 份派藥,以提高護理安全和質素。 善用科技應對「新常態」 在新冠肺炎疫情下,本會的實體服務和工作安 排受到限制,團隊遂廣泛應用資訊科技將社會 服務和工作安排延伸至線上模式,包括增添網 上會議或直播的器材,以配合推行線上服務, 協助同工透過互聯網接觸到更多服務使用者, 提供適切的服務,以及適應在家工作的「新常 態」。 Promoting Digital Transformation of SRACP In line with the directives and strategies of the Society in IT development, the “Digital Transformation Committee” and “Information and Communications Technology Application Working Group” have been newly formed, with the aim to monitor and review information technology development, and support the effective use of digital technology and information to optimise the operations and services. The new SharePoint intranet was being developed to facilitate staff to share and manage content, knowledge, and applications to empower teamwork, quickly find information, and seamlessly collaborate across the organisation. In addition, With the support from the Innovation and Technology Fund for Application in Elderly and Rehabilitation Care of the Social Welfare Department, the Halfway House Management System was being developed to systematise and automate daily operations and record-keeping in the four halfway houses. For example, implementing a new QR Code scanning system to improve residents’ identification procedures for dispensing medicines would strengthen the safety and quality of care. Using Technology to Cope with the “New Normal” The COVID-19 pandemic has restricted the implementation of physical services and work arrangements. Our colleagues reacted swiftly by applying information technology more extensively, including purchasing new equipment for hosting web conferencing and live broadcast, thereby facilitating the implementation of online services and a work-from-home mode under the “new normal”. It helped our colleagues to reach out to more service users through the Internet. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year