SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

115 服務 概覽 Service Overview 近年社會轉變急速,服務使用者對社會服務 的需求不斷變遷,本會服務也隨之與時並進。 我們的重點工作包括研究調查、數據及知識管 理、創新開發,以配合機構未來發展。 The needs and demands of our service users are changing at a fast pace, driven by the rapid social change. We have three areas of work, namely, research, data and knowledge management, as well as innovation and development, so as to keep up with the further development of the Society. 研究調查 秉承機構實證為本的理念,我們致力透過各 類的研究調查,整合及分析數據,以有效地回 應社會需要。本年度,我們進行了三個重點研 究,包括了解被捕長者的概況及其服務需要、 探究女性更生人士的成長創傷與犯事關係、以 及檢視社會事件相關被捕人士所面對的困難與 需要。 Research Inheriting the spirit of evidence-based practice, we initiated different kinds of research studies to consolidate and analyse the data in response to societal needs. This year, we conducted three key research projects, including the study on the profile and service needs of elderly arrestees, an in-depth case study on the female ex-offenders’ childhood trauma and offending behaviors, and an exploratory study on the obstacles and needs of the arrestees of social incidents. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 研究及發展 Research and Development