SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

116 數據及知識管理 在數據及知識管理方面,本部門除了管理本會 數據庫,例如服務資料及數據統一電腦系統, 亦定期收集和分析服務數據。本年,我們就賽 馬會「挑戰你•想」計劃應用程式所收集的大數 據進行分析,並向傳媒發佈調查成果。數據分 析顯示網上應用程式有效發掘及聯繫被忽略青 年和隱蔽青年,並了解他們的網上生活模式。 是次調查有助本會提升現時青年服務,以及發 展新青年服務。 為提倡知識承傳的理念,本會亦出版第四期 《善研》,以「新青綻放」為主題,帶領讀者從多 角度了新世代青年的世界,內容豐富。 創新發展 在疫情「新常態」下,不少研究調查工作均改以 網上形式進行,包括利用網上問卷和視訊會議 工具訪問服務使用者,減少社交接觸,將疾病 傳播風險減至最低。同時,我們亦協助會內的 服務單位設計了監房遙距課程,以維持與在囚 人士的聯繫和服務。 Data and Knowledge Management In terms of data and knowledge management, in addition to managing the database of the Society, we also analyse the collected data regularly. Last year, we had analysed the Jockey Club YouChallenge Programme application data and issued the result to the media. It was found that online applications were effective in uncovering and connecting youth who are hidden or being ignored. Findings also enhanced our understanding of the virtual life of the new generation. These findings were important for youth service improvement and development. In order to promote the concept of knowledge inheritance, we published the fourth issue of “Sracpology” during this year themed “New Era, Blossom”. It led readers to experience the life of the new generation in Hong Kong from different perspectives. Innovation and Development Most research was shifted to an online format under the “new normal” of COVID-19. We hosted interviews and meetings with service users through online questionnaires and video conferencing technology, so as to reduce social contact and minimise the risk of the virus spreading. Meanwhile, we assisted the Society in designing a distance course to maintain contact and services with persons in custody. 我們利用網上視像會議與參加者進 行研究訪談。 We conducted online interview for a research project through the live video platformwith the participant. 團隊接受媒體訪問介紹賽馬會「挑戰你‧想」 計劃最新發展。 The Project team conducted a media interview to share the latest development of the Jockey Club YouChallenge Programme. 在疫情下,本會透過網上社交 平台來收集青少年對社會服務 的看法。 During the pandemic, we collected teenagers’ opinions on social services through the social media platform.