SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

117 服務 概覽 人才發展部致力統籌、策劃及執行本會員工 培訓、專業發展、知識承傳等範疇的工作。年 內,本會續得社會福利發展基金資助,以配合 員工培訓和發展項目。 Talent Development Division plans, co-ordinates and implements staff training, professional development and knowledge exchange programmes. During the year, the Society is continuously subsidised by the Social Welfare Development Fund on staff training and development programmes. 413 565 新員工導向活動、撰寫職責說明技巧工作坊、 社會事件與法律知識分享會等。 Induction programme for new staff, JD Review Workshop, Sharing sessions of Social Incidents and Legal Information, etc. 幸福感元素 (PERMA+) 、 創傷知情照顧工作坊、 開放式對話工作坊等。 PERMA+, Trauma Informed Care Workshop, Open Dialogue Workshop, etc. 機構主導課程: Corporate-led training: 服務主導課程: Service-led training: 參與人次 No. of Participation 參與人次 No. of Participation 服務 數據 Service Data 本會總幹事李淑慧女士向同工分享 機構的發展方向。 Ms Anthea Lee, Chief Executive of SRACP, shared the development direction of the Society with colleagues. 李瀚良高等法院暫委法官及潘兆童 法官向同工分享法律知識。 Deputy High Court Judge Patrick LI and The Hon Mr Justice Poon Siu Tung were invited to share legal information with colleagues. Service Overview 104 外間個人培訓: External training for individuals: 切合服務及工作所需的外間培訓。 External training relevant to service and work setting. 參與人次 No. of Participation 人才發展及職員訓練 Talent Development and Staff Training