SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

10 真人圖書館 本會義工發展服務與香港城市大學首次合作, 舉辦名為「甦 Life 」的真人圖書館,結合了社區 導賞的元素,由「老友鬼鬼 — 隱蔽濫藥者朋輩 支援計劃」的朋輩支援員,從成長地說起,遊 走黃大仙至九龍城,包括當年「三不管」的九龍 城寨,以過來人的身分分享更生人士的心路 歷程,打破大眾認定更生人士就是「壞人」的觀 念,更立體地看待更生人士的經歷,讓參加的 公眾更明白更生人士重新出發的艱難,藉此倡 導公眾支持更生服務。 堅守信念 創造前路 隨著近年社會發展持續經歷急速變化,弱勢青 年數字顯著上升,對社會服務的需求亦與日俱 增。本會積極拓展及強化青少年服務,期望能 為有不同需要的青少年提供多元服務選擇,讓 他們按自己所需選擇適切的支援。 掌握社會環境 提供專業服務 社會事件發生以來,同工要重新適應社會問 題,需要跟進的個案和工作亦與過往不同。與 此同時,《港區國安法》於二零二零年六月三十 日生效,業界同工對此新法例的理解不深,在 工作中也遇到了不少新挑戰。為加強同工法律 知識,社會事件專責小組舉辦了兩場法律知識 分享會,邀請了本會的執行委員會主席李瀚良 高等法院暫委法官及常務副主席潘兆童法官 以個人身分與同工分享對港區國安法的理解, 讓同工能秉持專業,以服務使用者的福祉為依 歸,繼續為弱勢社群提供合適的輔導和支援。 Human Library The Volunteer Development Service of the Society collaborated with The City University of Hong Kong to organise a human library programme namely “So Life”, which combined the concept of storytelling and community guided tours. From the service users’ places homeplace to Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon City, service users of “Buddies and Buddies”—Peer Support Service on Hidden Drug Users shared their life experience and unveiled their criminal paths with the general public. The programme aimed at breaking the public’s stigma towards ex-offender and gaining public support for offender rehabilitation by enhancing the public’s understanding of ex-offender as well as the challenges on their path of rehabilitation. Faith, Hope and Opportunity Given the rapid changes in the community in the recent years, the number of disadvantaged youths had increased significantly. Subsequently, the demand for youth services had also increased. In view of this, the Society had actively expanded and strengthened youth services hoping to provide disadvantaged youths with multifarious services, so that they could had the chance to choose their best-fit services. Taken social circumstances into professional services Since the occurrence of social incidents, workers of the Society had been encountering lots of challenges. The nature of casework and the characteristics of service users had changed and hence, workers have to adapt and tune their works promptly. With the effective of the Hong Kong National Security Law on June 30, 2020, workers had encountered a considerable amount of new and tough challenges in their work due to insufficient knowledge of the Law. Therefore, the Specialised Team on Working with People Affected by Social Incidents organised two legal knowledge-sharing sessions, in which the Executive Committee Chairperson, Deputy High Court Judge Patrick LI and the Deputy Vice Chairperson, The Hon. Mr. Justice POON Siu-tung were invited to share their understanding of the Hong Kong National Security Law with workers in their personal capacity. It was hoped that workers could be able to uphold their professionalism by providing quality counseling and support service to the disadvantaged groups based on the needs of the service users.