SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

118 趙盈恩女士與同工進行「創傷知情照顧 工作坊」。 Ms Melissa Chiu Ying-yan was invited to conduct a workshop on “Working with Wounded Person in Trauma Informed Care Principles”. 善導培訓中心推動專業發展 善導培訓中心透過提供培訓及相關專業證書課 程,協助現正從事或有志投身更生康復、預防 犯罪和精神健康服務的人士了解犯罪行為、精 神病患、成癮及導致違法的高危行為以及有效 介入手法等範疇。本會所舉辦的成癮行為及相 關罪行輔導證書課程已獲得香港社會專科學院 的認證,有助提升參加者對成癮行為及相關輔 導技巧有基本認識。 重視人才培訓 本年度,人才發展部除了舉行內部培訓如「網 上小組工作技巧:活用 Apps 帶討論」、「博域家 庭治療法培訓」外,亦邀請婚姻及家庭治療師 陳潤花女士教授「創傷知情照顧工作坊」,以及 海 外 導 師 Dr. Jill Levenson 及 Mr. David Prescott 網 上教授「由創傷知情理論轉化至實踐:應用在 社會公義服務對象」。 另外,本會與大專院校保持緊密聯繫,為社會 工作學系、犯罪學系及輔導學的學生提供實習 機會,支援本地社會服務教育的發展。年內, 本會安排 28 位來自各院校的學生於不同服務單 位進行實習。 SRACP Training Centre Promotes Professional Development SRACP Training Centre offers training programmes and certificate courses for people who are interested in providing offender rehabilitation, crime prevention and mental wellness services, enabling them to understand the criminal act, mental illness, addictive and high-risk behaviors, and effective intervention approaches. Our course: “Certificate in Addiction related offences and its Management”, is accredited by the Hong Kong Academy of Social Work. Participants can be trained up with basic skills on addictive behaviors and related management. Personnel Training This year, in addition to hosting internal training, such as “Online Group Work Skill — Use Online Apps for Group Discussion”, “Bowen Family Therapy Training”; Talent Development Division also invited the Marriage and Family Therapist Ms Monty CHAN Yun-Fa to conduct a workshop on “Trauma Informed Care Training Workshop”, as well as Dr Jill Levenson and Mr David Prescott were invited to conduct “Translating Trauma Informed Care Concepts into Practice with Justice Involved Clients”. Furthermore, we maintained close contacts with universities and supported education development in social services by providing fieldwork placement for students taking social work, criminology and counselling courses. During the year, we arranged fieldwork placements for 28 students from different institutions at our service units. 博域家庭治療法培訓導師譚少華先生與本會 港康滙社工范雨女士和同工作個案分享。 Bowen Family Therapy Training trainer Mr Hillman Tam Shiu Wah and social worker of SRACP HKRH Ms Queena Fan Yu shared case application with colleagues. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year