SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

119 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 增強團隊凝聚力 職員福利會 ( 職福會 ) 的年度主題是「打破陌生• 關愛身心」,去年因應新冠肺炎疫情持續,遂調 整活動舉行模式,舉辦了兩個線上活動,包括 「身心放鬆瑜珈入門體驗班」及「日本和諧粉彩 體驗工作坊」,讓同工一解工作壓力之餘,亦增 進不同單位同工之間的交流。 職福會首次籌辦線上週年大會,當日有超過 290 名同工參與,透過遊戲、開福袋及抽獎環 節與各同工共享歡樂。另外,職福會亦一如既 往分別組織籃球隊及足球隊,代表機構出戰社 工盃足球和籃球比賽,並定期進行排球訓練, 鼓勵更多同工參與運動,強身健體。 Strengthening Team Cohesion Last year, the Staff and Welfare Association (SWA) adjusted its activities in response to COVID-19 under the annual theme “Breaking the Strange • Caring for the body and mind”. SWA launched two virtual events for colleagues, including “Yoga Workshop” and “Nagomi Pastel Art Workshops”, to help colleagues relieve their work pressure and to further enhance the understanding among colleagues in different units. SWA organised the virtual Annual General Meeting this year; more than 290 colleagues participated on that day and shared the joy through games, fortune bags, and a lucky draw. As usual, SWA supported our soccer and basketball teams to join the social work cup competitions. Moreover, SWA continued to organise regular volleyball training for all staff. 同工參與排球練習,享受樂趣, 強身健體。 Colleagues participated in volleyball exercises to have fun and keep fit. 「日本和諧粉彩體驗工作 坊」的作品。 The art works of Nagomi Pastel Art Workshop. 不分男女一同參與本會足球隊。 Participated in SRACP’s football team, regardless of gender. 超過 290 名同工參與線 上職福會週年大會。 More than 290 colleagues participated in the online Annual General Meeting of SWA. 疫情下,職福會首次舉行線上週年大會與同工 交流及匯報工作。 Under the epidemic, SWA hosted its first online Annual General Meeting to communicate and report to colleagues. 職員福利會 Social Welfare Association