SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

11 賽馬會鼓掌•創你程計劃(第二期) 本會為「賽馬會鼓掌•創你程計劃」(第二期)其 中一隊地區生涯規劃服務隊,目標透過實證有 效的生涯發展介入模式,為 29 歲或以下有需要 的青年 — 包括待學、待業、離家、居於院舍或 更生青年提供職涯規劃服務,如實習訓練、義 工服務、師友配對等,為服務使用者度身訂造 生涯規劃服務,讓他們可以投入有意義的發展 和社區連結。團隊與職業發展服務於過去一年 為懲教署中途宿舍的青年宿員提供職涯規劃小 組活動,並邀請商界愛心僱主為宿員提供職場 體驗機會,推動社會各界與弱勢青年同行,協 助他們找到人生方向,盡展所長。 創勢代 本會近年亦加倍著力培育弱勢青年於社會上 的發展,繼成立重視社會創新的「社創社」計劃 後,本會於二零二一年二月獲得民政事務局 及青年發展委員會的青年發展基金轄下「粵港 澳大灣區青年創業資助計劃」資助,開展「創勢 代」計劃。計劃亦是《青創同行 We Venture 》旗下 項目,目標為 18 至 40 歲弱勢青年提供多向指 導性創業服務,包括創業支援及培訓和資助及 同行服務。每位成功通過面試的申請者可獲得 不高於港幣 20 萬元創業資助,期望能藉此計劃 啟發青年的創業精神和培育他們的實踐能力, 協助他們創新意念及轉化意念為實質業務或商 品,從而促使他們認清人生方向,提升自我價 值。 實證為本 提升效能 「實證為本實務工作」是本會提供服務的基礎。 我們以理論基礎有效及有系統地評估服務使用 者的需要,按他們所需提供適切的社會服務。 近年的社會事件更產生各類新型服務使用者, 故此實踐應用訓練對前線同工尤為重要。有見 及此,本會將設立嚴謹、中央化的數據收集機 制,跨部門收集與社會事件相關服務的數據, 確保數據安全及能有效轉化為實踐理論及知 識,建立以實證為本的服務模式,讓同工有規 可循,專業應對服務使用者的需要,幫助有需 要人士重投社區。 CLAP@JC The Society had been one of the strategic partners for CLAP@JC aiming to serve youth aged below 29 who had the needs in career and life planning including youth seeking education and employment, institutional youth and young ex-offender by an evidence-based career and life development (CLD) intervention model to provide tailor-made career and life planning services including internship, volunteer training and mentorship programme etc. for them to connect with the community to facilitate their personal development. The team had also collaborated with Employment Development Service to conduct career planning group for the young supervisees in halfway houses of Correctional Services Department and had invited employers from commercial sector to provide internship for the supervisees to help them develop their potential. Startup Generation The Society had been emphasising the cultivation of underprivileged youth. Other than the “BEHub” project launched last year, in February this year we were sponsored by Home Affair Bureau and “Funding Scheme for Youth Entrepreneurship in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” under the Youth Development Fund of Youth Development Commission to launch the programme namely “Startup Generation”. The scheme was also under “We Venture” which provided young people aged from 18 to 40 with various services including entrepreneurial training, guidance and funding support. Projects which passed the vetting panel could receive up to HK$200,000 funding support, in hope to inspire young people to develop entrepreneurship by incubating their ideas to become businesses and enhancing their implementation abilities so as to Increase their sense of self-worth. Enhance Efficiency by Evidence-based Approach The Society had been providing appropriate evidence-based services with the support of theory and systematic analysis on the needs of service users. There were new types of service users affected by the social incidents in the recent years that the practical skills training was crucial for front-line staff. As such, the Society would establish a centralized data collection mechanism to collect the service data across the units and to ensure the data could be translated into practical theory and knowledge to build an evidence-based service model as well as to ensure the data security. It was hoped we could serve our users professionally and to help them reintegrate into the community.