SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

12 The Society had also been integrating “Risk-Need-Responsivity Model” into “Good Lives Model” to help the service users to set their life goals and using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to tackle the criminogenic factors of the service users such as antisocial attitude and emotional management to assist them to achieve their life goals. To ensure the quality of the service, the Society had prepared and provided a series of training and supporting materials including training video and operational guideline to assist staff to master the service models. Moreover, nine elements of “PERMA+” were applied in our services to help our service users to build the sense of well-being in daily life and to encourage the users to achieve their life goals. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant — Project Oasis, the drug rehabilitation service of the Society, had designed pilot scheme for evaluating the index of well-being of users after receiving the service for 6 months hoping to inform future service development by evidence-based data analysis. “Recovery Model” would also be applied to assess the status of persons in recovery by strength-based intervention. Recovery plan would as well be customised for each person in recovery in order to help them to recognise their self-values and develop their potentials and life goals. Jockey Club “Craft Your Life Together” Co-living Community Project Besides taking a big leap forward in the construction progress of the project, the Society this year had collaborated with external party to develop a brand new co-living model for the out-of-home youths (including those youths who could not return home but were discharged home from residential child care services) and persons in recovery to promote social integration and to develop corresponding research framework. A 24-month pilot scheme developed based on Foyer Model had been launched in April this year to evaluate the outcome of the service model. The pilot scheme included Awareness, Exploration, Integration and Synthesis, as well as Deepening and Commitment. It was hoped that the users could enhance their ability to live independently as well as to build a sustainable life through various life planning and learning opportunities. 本會近年揉合「危機 – 需要 – 反應模式」和「美好 生命模式」的理念,以 GLM 模式協助服務使用 者設立人生目標,並透過認知行為治療針對與 重犯相關的因素,如反社會態度及情緒管理, 引導及幫助他們達成人生目標。本會已相繼提 供相關專業培訓配套與支援予同工,包括製作 教學影片及指引手冊,好讓同工更掌握此服務 模式,為服務使用者提供優質及專業的服務。 此外,本會亦積極把「幸福感元素( PERMA+) 」融 會於服務之中,以 9 個幸福元素幫助服務使用 者於生活之中建立幸福感,鼓勵服務使用者擁 有和追求屬於自己的人生目標。為實踐「實證 為本」的精神,本會戒毒服務 — 「香港賽馬會社 區資助計劃 — 綠洲計劃」特別設計服務評估試 行計劃,量度服務使用者於接受服務後半年的 幸福指數,從而分析當中的數據,優化服務。 本會同時於精神健康服務繼續應用「復元模 式」,期望透過優勢為本的介入手法,為精神復 元人士訂立評估,並按每位精神復元人士的需 要訂造個人化的復元計劃,以協助他們重新認 識自我,探索及發展自己的潛能、價值及目標。 賽馬會「拍住上」共居社區計劃 除了筲箕灣宿舍重建工程邁向新里程外,本 會今年亦聯同研究伙伴為家外青年(須離開兒 童院舍或其他住宿服務但未能回家居住的青 年)及精神復元人士創建一個全新的共居服務 模式,致力推動互惠共生和社區共融,並發展 相應的研究框架。今年四月,為期二十四個月 的先導計劃已正式展開,以「共同生活模式」為 本,透過實證研究新服務模式的成效。先導計 劃包括四個階段,分別為意識期、探索期、深 化期及整合期,透過人生規劃和多元化的學習 機會,協助服務使用者提升個人能力,成功在 社區獨立生活,建立可持續且有意義的生活。