SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

13 Innovative Mind with a Social Heart The changes in the community on one hand brought challenges to social service professions, while on the other hand brought us opportunity. I believe the work patterns and service intervention modes would definitely transform into more flexible, diversified and effective ways to respond to the social needs. We would keep track on the changes and various needs of the community with a macroscopic vision and well prepare for the opportunities brought about by these changes to serve the ex-offenders, persons in recovery as well as the general public with professionalism, caring and love to develop an inclusive, diverse and sustainable community. 多元臻關愛 總括而言,社會環境變化迅速,對社會服務專 業帶來多方面的挑戰,但亦同時帶來機遇。我 相信,勢將從傳統的工作模式變為更靈活、更 多元、更切合社會需要及更具效益的服務模 式。本會同工將繼續以廣濶和宏觀的視野,認 識香港社會的變化及多元問題和需要,迎接社 會環境轉變為不同專業領域帶來的機遇,以專 業態度服務更生人士、精神復元人士及社會大 眾,以建立更包容、多元、關愛及可持續發展 的社會為己任,在專業領域內做到最好。