SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

ANNUALREPORT C127090 經歷整整一年的抗疫生活,你過得怎樣呢? 在「新常態」時代下,考驗與挑戰紛至沓來, 未來日子也許變幻莫測,惟有懷抱信念,在 各種逆境中不斷探索前行,才會創造出無限 的可能與機會。 今年年報封面以二維碼為設計主題,凸顯香 港善導會在過去一年突破疫情的圍牆,服 務創新;未來我們將繼續揉合線上與線下模 式,讓服務受眾隨時隨地,一掃瞄即可找到 善導會。 How are you after a year of fighting the epidemic? In the “new normal” era, there are many challenges and ordeals, and the days ahead may be unpredictable. Yet, only with faith can infinite possibilities and opportunities be created even in adversity. This year, the cover design is illustrated with a theme of QR code, highlighting that during the past year, SRACP has overcome the limitations under epidemic and innovated its services by combining online and offline activities. In the future, SRACP is promised to be reached anytime, anywhere with a single scan. 年報設計 概念 Front Cover Design Concept