SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

33 法院社工外展到全港各區法院支援涉嫌違法人 士和候審人士,以及其家屬,幫助他們處理刑 事司法程序,解決個人及家庭福利問題。社工 亦會為判刑者提供善後輔導,匡助更生。 Court social workers reach out to individuals and their families who are suspected of infringing the law or being taken into prosecution process, to provide comprehensive counselling services in Hong Kong. Our services aim at alleviating their pressure and assisting them to resolve their welfare problems throughout prosecution processes and post-sentencing stage. Our target is to empower them to develop healthy lives with confidence, harmony and rule-of-law spirit. 服務 概覽 Service Overview 服務 數據 Service Data 法院社工服務 Court Social Work Service 預防犯罪服務 Crime Prevention Service 18 節 sessions / 44 人 participants 10 次 times / 230 位出席者 attendants 小組及活動數目及參加人數 No. of groups and activities and participants 109 深入跟進個案數目 No. of intensive cases 134 短期跟進個案數目 No. of intake cases 服務及法律常識分享會次數 No. of service and legal knowledge sharing to professional and public 法院社工服務 2.0 Court Social Work Service 2.0 5 次 times 特別外展支援服務 (大型拘捕事故後) Special outreach support services (after large-scale arrest) 法院社工服務 1.0 Court Social Work Service 1.0 679 91 184 2,465 駐庭服務次數 No. of court service 短期跟進個案宗數 No. of short-term follow-up cases 深入跟進個案宗數 No. of in-depth follow-up cases 查詢個案宗數 No. of enquiries 個案服務 Case work 36 624 1,692.5 210 人數 No. of volunteers 服務次數 No. of service sessions 服務時數 No. of service hours 出席訓練及 活動人次 Attendance of training of training and programmes 義工服務 Volunteer service 耆望計劃 Project HOPE (7/2020–3/2021) 個案服務 Case work 68 82 深入跟進個案數目 No. of in-depth counselling cases 短期跟進個案數目 No. of brief intake cases 小組及活動 Group and programme 2 17 次 times / 337 位出席者 attendants 活動提供予服務使用者的次數 No. of programme for arrestees, family members and careers 教育或訓練活動次數及參加人數 No. of training / educational programme and attendance