SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

34 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 個案輔導工作 社工外展到各裁判法院、區域法院及高等法 院,主動接觸涉嫌違法人士、候審人士及其家 屬提供輔導服務。 Counselling Service Social workers outreach to all Magistrates’ Courts, The District Court and The High Court to provide counselling service and welfare assistance for individuals and their families who attend the court hearing. 耆望計劃 「耆望計劃」成功獲維拉律敦治 • 荻茜慈善基金 贊助,由二零二零年七月起,為在本港面對刑 事檢控的 60 歲或以上的被捕、涉嫌違法人士、 候審人士及其家人提供個案輔導和適切支援。 本年度共服務 140 位長者及 92 位家屬,因應長 者的需要,提供專業評估、轉介及小組活動服 務。為提升不同持分者對被捕長者議題的認 識,我們年內舉辦 17 場活動,對象包括長者、 家屬、照顧者、區議員辦事處職員及公眾人士。 Project HOPE In July 2020, “Project HOPE” successfully received subsidies from the Vera Ruttonjee Desai Charitable Fund, with the aim to alleviate stress and provide assistance and counselling to arrestees (aged 60 or above) and their families members. During the year, we served 141 elderly and 92 family members. Based on the needs of the asserted elderly, we provided professional assessment, referral, and group service. In addition, we organised 17 educational and training programmes to the elder, family member, caregiver, District Councillor’s staffs and general public, aiming to help different stakeholders to understand elderly arrestees. 法院義工服務 法院社工透過定期活動和訓練,凝聚不同背景 的社區人士參加義工服務,並加強他們協助服 務對象處理困難的知識和技巧,宣揚社會關愛 訊息。 Court Volunteer Service Court social workers allied people from different backgrounds to provide court volunteer service. Court social workers equipped volunteers with knowledge and skills to alleviate challenges faced by defendants and their families as well as disseminating the message of care within the community. 法院義工透過進階訓練,掌握疫情 及社會事件與創傷後遺症關係的相 關知識。 Court volunteers learned the relationship between epidemic and social incidents and PTSD during the advanced training. 服務使用者透過靜觀及禪繞,學習情緒與身體 反應的關係,從而體會自我覺察。 Service users equipped with mindfulness skills Zentangle to learn about the relationship between emotion and the body reaction and to experience how to be self-aware.