SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

35 法院社工服務 2.0 由二零二零年四月一日起,本會獲社會福利署 資助成立專責團隊,為因社會事件被捕人士及 其家屬提供支援服務,並處理其福利相關問 題,匡助他們渡過困難。我們因應被捕人士及 其家屬的需要,向其提供個案輔導、小組或活 動,例如個人身份認同、前路規劃及身心靈健 康。在過去一年,我們在大型的社會事件及被 捕事故發生後,組織了 5 次特別支援小隊在晚 間甚至深宵時分,外展到警署支援被捕人士及 其家屬,為他們提供資訊及情緒支援。 Court Social Work Service 2.0 Starting from 1st April 2020, we received funding support from the Social Welfare Department to form a specialised team to assist the arrestees and their family members involved in social incidents, with an aim to handle their welfare issues and help them undergo the difficulties they were facing. Apart from the case service, we organised programmes or groups to meet the needs of the arrestees and their families, such as self-exploration for the future, identity, and psychological and physical health. After some large- scale social incidents and arrests occurred, we organised 5 outreach services at night or even midnight, in order to provide timely emotional support or information to the arrestees and their family members. 服務使用者在教練指導下做健身運動, 以紓緩壓力,保持身心靈健康。 Coaches guided the service users to do fitness training, aiming to relieve stress and maintain physical and mental health. 義務律師諮詢計劃 我們推出「義務律師諮詢計劃」以招募律師,為 未能獲得合適的法律援助的候審人士安排周詳 的法律諮詢服務,並由社工協助其完成法律程 序。本年度有 7 位候審人士接受服務。 Free Legal Advice Scheme We launched the “Free Legal Advice Scheme” in which voluntary lawyers were invited to provide legal advice to assist some defendants who go through all legal procedures alone and without appropriate legal aid. And our social workers would help to complete legal procedures. Seven defendants received the service this year. 法院義工在「『談情說傷』 — 疫情及社會 事件的創傷後遺症分享會」中體驗靜觀 練習。 Court volunteers experience mindfulness exercises in the volunteer training session.