SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

36 綜合更生康復服務 Integrated Service for Ex-offenders 釋前輔導服務 Pre-release Preparation Service 本會所提供的在囚人士服務包括釋前輔導及其 他服務項目,主要透過多元手法和及早介入的 策略,協助在囚人士作好出獄後準備。社工就 家庭重聚、就業準備、居住需要、健康教育等 方面,為在囚人士安排合適的服務和轉介,並 在他們離開院所後作妥善跟進。 Our services for prisoners include Pre-release Preparation Service and programmes conducted by various service units. By adopting early intervention and multi-dimensional models, we assist persons in custody in their preparation for discharge. Services including family support, employment training, accommodation and health education are provided for persons in custody before and after they are discharged. Major Tasks Last year, the Correctional Services Department (CSD) ceased all rehabilitation programmes and services by social welfare organisations inside institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic, which greatly affected our pre-release counselling services. Through the referral from welfare officers of penal institutions of CSD, officers from the “Post-release Supervision of Prisoners Scheme”, and self-referral by persons in custody, our social workers continued providing services such as pick-up service, accommodation, training, employment and entrepreneurship, individual and family counselling, etc. In response to the epidemic, we have swiftly adjusted the service mode of prison programmes. We carried out the “Drug Relapse Prevention Programme” in youth institutions for the seventh year in a row. It was changed to broadcast a series of short videos amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which our social worker produced to convey the drug relapse prevention message to the youth in custody. With the assistance from CSD, a total of 36 groups were successfully delivered in youth institutions. Similarly, we had produced and broadcasted short videos for “So Link Project” for long-sentence persons in custody, helping them to grasp the information of communication technology knowledge; and educational videos on preventing AIDS and blood-borne diseases for person in custody. In the wake of the epidemic appeared to be subsiding, we actively prepared for the resumption of rehabilitation activities for adult prisoners, which was expected to serve 80 persons in custody. 主要工作 去年,鑑於新冠肺炎疫情肆虐,懲教署暫緩社 會福利機構在院所內提供更生活動和服務,令 本會釋前輔導服務受到很大程度的影響。透過 懲教院所的福利官及「監管釋囚計劃」職員的 轉介,以及在囚人士申請,本會社工能持續地 為有需要的在囚人士提供接監服務、住宿、培 訓、就業及創業、個人及家庭輔導等服務。 本會亦因應疫情而調整於懲教院所內進行的小 組服務,包括將連續第七年承辦青少年院所的 預防重吸毒品計劃,改為播放由社工製作的預 防濫藥小組短片,向在囚青年宣傳預防重吸的 訊息;透過懲教院所職員的協助,年內於多間 青少年院所順利完成 36 個小組。同時,為長刑 期在囚人士而設的「甦連計劃」及為成人院所在 囚人士而提供的愛滋病及血液傳染病預防教育 服務,亦改為向在囚人士播放合適的短片,內 容包括資訊科技、預防愛滋病。當疫情稍為緩 和時,我們積極為不同院所的成年在囚人士恢 復康復更生小組工作,預計可服務 80 人。 服務 概覽 Service Overview