SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

39 本會轄下有四間社會康復及 支援綜合服務中心 ( 共 7 個服務點 ) Four Integrated Service Centres for Social Rehabilitation & Community Support (Total 7 Revival Hubs) 新界 New Territories 九龍東 Kowloon East 九龍西 Kowloon West 竹康滙 Chuk Yuen Revival Hub 慈康滙 @ 竹康活動中心 Tsz Wan Shan Revival Hub @ Chuk Yuen Activity Centre 深康滙 Sham Shui Po Revival Hub 油康滙 Yau Ma Tei Revival Hub 香港島及離島區 Hong Kong and Islands District 港康滙 Hong Kong Revival Hub 全港服務 Territory-wide Service 埔康滙 Tai Po Revival Hub 建康滙 Kin Sang Revival Hub 四間社會康復及支援綜合服務中心(共 7 個服 務點)與其他相關單位,包括宿舍、職業發展 服務、中途宿舍及精神健康綜合社區中心緊密 合作,為服務使用者提供個人化的更生康復計 劃,並加強家庭支援網絡。除個案輔導外,各 綜合服務中心按各區的特色發展不同形式的服 務,以及積極參與地區活動。此外,本會積極 支援在澳門及境外涉及罪行而被判囚或需要社 區更生計劃的香港居民。 Four Integrated Service Centres for Social Rehabilitation & Community Support (ISCs) (Total 7 Revival Hubs) worked closely with related service units including Hostels, Employment Development Services, Halfway Houses and Integrated Community Centres for Mental Wellness (ICCMWs), to provide individualised rehabilitation programmes for service users as well as to enhance their family support network. Each ISC continued to participate actively in community activities and tailor-made its service packages based on regional needs and characteristics. Besides, we also extended the service to support Hong Kong residents who have committed crime, sentenced or in need of community rehabilitation in Macau and overseas.