SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

年度重點 Highlights of the Year 40 創新多元服務巡禮 Innovative and Multifarious Services Project Buddies & Buddies Chuk Yuen Revival Hub (CYRH) continued the “Buddies & Buddies”— Peer Support Service on Hidden Drug Users (“Buddies & Buddies”) to provide peer support service for hidden drug users under the subvention of the Beat Drugs Fund during the period of May 2019 to April 2022, providing a series of activities and training focus on users participation and transformation. “Buddies & Buddies” collaborated with 10 community volunteers from our Volunteer Development Service to serve the drug users with peer supporters. The community volunteers accompanied the drug users to line up resources, and build up the protective capital to enhance community reintegration of peer supporters. Last year, the senior peer supporter of “Buddies & Buddies” and the social worker were invited to share their service experience in the “Substance Abuse Conference 2020” conducted by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS). Moreover, 2 trained peers of CYRH were invited by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to share their rehabilitation stories at Jockey Club PolyU human libraries hub and the RTHK programme. A total of 145 hidden drug users were served in last year. Among them, we successfully increased 87.5% of service users’ intention to quit drugs, and 85% decreased the frequency of taking drugs. Project Connection To assist targeted persons in custody (PIC) without social visit to connect with supporting networks, such as family members, significant others, and rebuild relationships for their rehabilitation, a service named “Project Connection” was launched in March 2021. Supported by CSD, 17 PICs were contacted in the first phase. In the long run, we will continue to follow up on referrals from CSD. 老友鬼鬼計劃 竹康滙獲禁毒基金資助繼續發展「老友鬼鬼」 — 隱蔽濫藥者朋輩支援計劃(「老友鬼鬼」)。在二 零一九年五月至二零二二年四月期間,為曾濫 藥人士及活躍吸毒人士提供一系列高度參與 及身份轉化的活動和培訓。計劃的朋輩支援員 與本會義工發展服務合作,招募共 10 位社區義 工。他們以同行者角色,一方面建立社區義工 網絡及資源;另一方面協助朋輩支援員建立預 防犯罪的「保護因子」。「老友鬼鬼」的高級朋輩 支援員及社工於本年度參與香港社會服務聯 會(社聯)舉辦的「戒毒服務交流研討會 2020 」, 朋輩以過來人分享介入個案的經驗。此外,竹 康滙的兩位朋輩支援員亦獲香港理工大學邀 請,在賽馬會理大真人圖書網絡及香港電台節 目《萬千寵愛》分享其更生康復故事。此計劃年 內共服務 145 名隱蔽濫藥人士,當中成功協助 87.5 % 人士提升治療意欲,另有 85 % 人士減少 吸毒。 有情時段計劃 在懲教署協助下,本會於二零二一年三月開展 「有情時段計劃」,為長期未被探訪的在囚人士 建立支援網絡,協助他們開展康復更生路,服 務首階段接獲 17 宗轉介個案。本會未來會繼續 跟進懲教署轉介之個案。 朋輩支援員策劃和帶領外展活動,扶持同 路人。 Peer supporters involved in organising outreach activities to support those people in need.