SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

41 本會與香港小童群益會合作推出全港首個專為本港在囚家長而 設的「懲教院所家長遙距課程」。 In collaboration with the Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong, the Society launched a programme “Distance-learning Course for Incarcerated Parents”, which is the first of its kind in Hong Kong. 藍巴士賽馬會結伴成長計劃 本會於二零一九年三月與香港小童群益會共同 開展「藍巴士賽馬會結伴成長計劃」,支援全港 18 歲以下,因家長面對被捕、司法程序、在囚 或更生階段而需要協助的全港兒童及青少年 (以及其家長╱照顧者)。在疫情下,本計劃除 以輔導服務支援家庭面對危機及需要外,亦以 不同活動協助兒童、青少年及其家庭克服困境 及成長挑戰,如網上小組及活動,過去一年為 164 個兒童及青少年提供服務。此外,我們於 懲教院所內首辦「懲教院所家長遙距課程」,拉 近在囚爸爸與子女的距離,促進正面的親子聯 繫。 愛心蜜蜜送 新冠肺炎肆虐,露宿者在街上流連,既缺乏防 疫裝備,且擔心個人財物被盜。本會獲賽馬會 「新冠肺炎緊急援助基金」津助,善用過往的外 展經驗,推行「愛心蜜蜜送」外展服務。由埔康 滙帶領外展隊,安排 60 座旅遊巴走訪油尖旺及 深水埗一帶,通宵為露宿者和有需要人士提供 流動休息站及適切支援;若遇上惡劣天氣或受 助者身體不適,亦會資助他們入住持牌賓館。 由二零二零年五月中至六月下旬共 36 個晚上, 共接觸 3,496 人次受助對象,當中有 1,119 人次使用 旅遊巴稍作休息,及 304 人次曾入住持牌賓館。 Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project The Society has co-worked with the Boys’ and Girls’ Club Association of Hong Kong to organise “Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project” since March 2019. It provided all- rounded supporting service for the children and youth, whose parents were arrested, incarcerated or ex-offenders, also their caregivers in Hong Kong. Under the epidemic, we provided counselling service, crisis intervention and online programmes to the families to resolve and overcome the challenges. We served 164 children and youth during the year. Furthermore, a pioneer programme titled “Distance-learning Course for Incarcerated Parents” had been launched to facilitate the positive family relationship between children and their incarcerated fathers. Love Delivery under COVID-19 As the COVID-19 pandemic ravaged, most street sleepers encountered a shortage of epidemic prevention equipment and under the fear of robbery. With the support of the Hong Kong Jockey Club “COVID-19 Emergency Fund”, the Society made good use of its outreach service experience, and then launched a short-term project titled “Love Delivery under COVID-19” from May to June 2020. Under the leading of Tai Po Revival Hub (TPRH), the project team arranged 60-seat coaches to visit the Yau Tsim Mong and Sham Shui Po districts, which provided temporary rest areas for street sleepers, and escorted people in need to reside at licensed pod hotels under adverse weather conditions. It successfully served 3,496 man-times during 36 nights. Among them, 1,119 street sleepers used coach service, and 304 street sleepers required the emergency residency service. 「愛心蜜蜜送」計劃在疫情期 間為露宿者和有需要人士提 供適切的支援。 A short-term project “Love Delivery under COVID-19” aimed to provide timely care and support to homeless and street sleepers in time of hardship.