SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

42 So Link Project With funding support from HSBC Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited, Sham Shui Po Revival Hub launched a programme titled “So Link Project”, with an aim to enhance the long sentenced ex-offenders to catch up with information technology and re-integrate into society with the support of community volunteers. Until the end of December 2020, the programme served 222 long sentence prisoners and released ex-offenders. Pick-up Service Pick-up service was regularised in January 2021 and targeted to serve in need PICs who are discharged from correctional institutions, such as the elderly, the disabled, PICs without family support, etc. We provided gapless support to the discharged prisoners to solve their transportation, living adjustment and rehabilitation issues. Steady referrals were made by Hong Kong Correctional Services Department (CSD) welfare officers. Connecting Partner Organisations for Building a Caring Community In maintaining a good relationship with local community partners, the Society cooperated with the Rotary E-Club of Tamar HK to organise the “Healthy Cook Competition” from August to October 2020. A total of 22 competitors from 7 Revival Hubs submitted their masterpieces by video clips for competition with the theme of health and love. Furthermore, we have joined Tsz Shan Monastery Buddhist Spiritual Counselling Centre “Metta Scheme” to provide subsidies for service users with health issues. As of 31 March 2021, it successfully approved 12 cases with a total amount of HK$216,500. Funded by the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education, Yau Ma Tei Revival Hub (YMTRH) organised a community photo exhibition at “7 Mallory Street” in Wan Chai and Yau Ma Tei MTR station, to share the stories of ex-offenders with the public. In addition, Hong Kong Revival Hub (HKRH) received a generous donation of HK$200,000 from SYNC Foundation to implement the “Run of Your Life 2.0 Project”, which built-in a survey study to generate the service impacts during implementation. Under the epidemic, it was rescheduled to June 2021 and 20 targeted young participants were recruited. 甦連計劃 深康滙獲滙豐信托基金資助推出「甦連計劃」, 協助長刑期更生人士熟習資訊科技,並在社區 義工協助下重投社區生活。至二零二零年十二 月,共為 222 名已獲釋或在囚的長刑期人士提 供服務。 新出發計劃 本會自二零二一年一月將接監服務納入恒常項 目,服務對象主要是年紀老邁、不良於行、未 有家人支持等之刑釋人士,為他們提供無縫服 務,以紓緩他們在交通、生活、適應及康復等 困難。現時,香港懲教署福利官會定期為有需 要之刑釋人士作轉介。 連繫伙伴機構締造關愛社區 本會繼續與本地多個團體緊密合作,包括與香 港添馬網上扶輪社在二零二零年八月至十月期 間合辦「扶輪善導喜迎營之健廚篇一和平愛心 網上顯廚藝」,合共 22 位參賽者以健康、親情 等各種人情作菜式主題,善用由香港添馬網上 扶輪社贊助的多功能電飯煲進行無火煮食,再 提交煮食影片予評審。本會參與由慈山寺佛法 心靈輔導中心推行的「慈心計劃」,為患病的服 務使用者提供資助,截至二零二一年三月卅一 日共批核 12 宗個案,總額涉及港幣 $216,500 。 油康滙亦獲公民教育委員會資助推行「甦活照」 社區攝影展,並在灣仔「茂蘿街 7 號」和油麻地 地鐵站舉辦展覽,讓公眾認識更生人士的故 事。而港康滙獲陞域運動基金贊助港幣 20 萬元 推出「尋回自己 2.0 計劃」,透過調查訪問 20 位 刑釋青年憑藉跑步所得到協助的程度;受疫情 影響,計劃將延至二零二一年六月才開展。 「甦活照」社區攝影展呈現服務使 用者的更生故事。 Community Photo exhibition showcased service users’ stories.