SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

43 建康滙的服務使用者與義工製作逾 400 個布口罩贈予有需要人士。 Over 400 hand-made masks produced by service users and community volunteers in KSRH. Support Those in Need via Online and Offline A variety of online activities were launched by ISCs through the use of information and communication technology during the pandemic. In addition to providing over 10 donated smart phones and tablets to service users, Club House of CYRH and “Buddies & Buddies” conducted a series of digital media classes to facilitate service users using intelligent technologies, so as to promote their social connections. Meanwhile, ex-offender volunteers visited elderly online to show their care to needy in the locality. Furthermore, HKRH recruited volunteer tutors to organise a customised “Computer Learning Group” for service users. Tsz Wan Shan Revival Hub @ Chuk Yuen Activity Centre (TWSRH) launched an online activity named “Family Ambassadors Jukebox” through WhatsApp and the YouTube channel, aiming to promote more contact among the service users, family members and TWSRH ambassadors, as well as delivering positive energy during the pandemic. A total of 8 videos were uploaded to the YouTube channel with 281 views. During the epidemic, Hong Kong had seen a city-wide shortage of surgical masks. Service users of Kin Sang Revival Hub co-worked with community volunteers to provide hand-made cloth masks to those in need who could not purchase masks. During the year, they have successfully produced more than 400 cloth masks that showed the love and care towards the needy communities. 線上線下支援有需要人士 疫情期間,綜合服務中心透過資訊及通訊科技 協助服務使用者參與線上活動。除提供逾 10 部 捐贈智能電話和平板電腦予服務使用者外,竹 康滙俱樂部及「老友鬼鬼」計劃為他們提供一系 列資訊科技教學小組,促進他們與社區連繫, 並安排更生人士義工以視像探訪方式,向長者 表達關懷。港康滙招募義務導師為會友設計 及舉辦「腦友掂電腦學習小組」。慈康滙 @ 竹康 活動中心則透過 WhatsApp 及 YouTube 頻道舉辦 互動活動「天倫點唱機」,向服務使用者、家屬 和天倫大使發放正能量;期間上載 8 段短片至 YouTube 頻道,點擊率達 281 次。 在全城搶購口罩時候,建康滙的服務使用者聯 同社區義工,自製布口罩派給未能購買到口罩 的有需要人士。過去一年,憑藉他們的力量, 成功製作逾 400 個布口罩,將愛心和關懷傳揚 出去。 社區義工教竹康滙的服務使用者使用 智能手機。 Community volunteers conducted digital media classes with service users in CYRH.