SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

44 Strengthen Family Relationship and Well-being Strengthen family relationships and enhance ex-offenders’ well- being played essential roles in rehabilitation. To connect the prisoners with their family members, we conveyed the family members to prison visit regularly. Also, we provided support to the families of rehabilitated persons during or before release from prison. Since July 2020, the Society joined the “Assistance Programme to Improve the Living Environment of Low-income Subdivided Unit Households” organised by HKCSS to facilitate the residents of Yau Tsim Mong and Sham Shui Po improving their living condition. To enhance the quality of family counselling, a play corner was set up at Sham Shui Po Revival Hub. Play therapy was applied for the children to enhance their self-understanding and communication skills. With support from Hong Kong Jockey Club “COVID-19 Emergency Fund”, Happy Learning thro’ Play was launched for families and children at centres in different districts. During the service period from April to June 2020, a total of 935 low-income families used the service, and the total number of beneficiaries was 4,588. Funded by the Social Welfare Department (Kowloon City and Yau Tsim Mong), YMTRH launched a series of health programmes, such as health talks hosted by Chinese medicine practitioner, and distributed fresh fruits for users. Besides, a service user of TPRH taught other users tea bag making and share their products to their families. Quality Counselling and Case Management System Under the cooperation with Probation Offices as well as the assistance of Clinical Psychologist and Court Social Work Service, ISCs have continued to launch therapeutic groups for those affected by repetitive stealing behavior, sex-related offence and other offences respectively in this sixth year. Social workers assisted group members in understanding their underlying needs, stress and prevent reconviction caused by repetitive behavior; meanwhile, HKRH extended its services to the supporting family members during the year. Furthermore, 3 service users were invited to share their rehabilitation experience in the “Multidisciplinary Meeting of Rehabilitation of Sex Offenders 2020” organised by CSD. ISCs started to provide services for the social incident cases and their family members. TWSRH and “Court Social Work Service 2.0” have jointly launched supporting groups for the family members of social incident cases. 強化家庭關係重視身心靈健康 建立健康的家庭關係及正面生活模式對更生人 士康復之路尤為關鍵。本會致力協助在囚人士 與家人保持密切連繫,包括定期接載家屬前往 監獄探望在囚人士,以及在囚期間或出獄前為 更生人士的家人提供支援。 自二零二零年七月起,本會參與社聯舉辦的 「為低收入劏房住戶改善家居援助計劃」,為居 於油尖旺及深水埗的劏房居民改善家居環境。 深康滙增設置玩具閣,讓同工透過遊戲治療讓 小朋友認識自我,學習與人相處。在賽馬會「新 冠肺炎緊急援助基金」津助下,各中心為家庭 和小朋友推行「玩具圖書館計劃」,於二零二零 年四月至六月服務期內,合共有 935 個基層家 庭使用服務,受惠總人次為 4,588 。 另外,油康滙成功申請社會福利署(九龍城及 油尖旺區)「並肩 • 創新 • 添力量」地區綜合活動 撥款計劃( 2020–2021 ),舉辦「防疫健康生活由 我做起」活動,包括中醫健康講座,以及派發水 果予服務對象。埔康滙的會友在另一位服務使 用者兼導師的教導下學習製作茶包,並將製成 品帶回家與家人分享。 提供優質輔導及強化個案管理 各綜合服務中心延續與感化辦事處的合作,在 心理學家和法院社工的協助下,繼續第六年為 受重複盜竊和性違法行為困擾之人士舉辦治療 性小組,並為其他服務對象提供預防重犯的支 援服務。社工協助感化小組成員了解自己的需 要及壓力來源,從而減低因成癮行為帶來的重 犯危機,港康滙本度年更將服務延伸至感化小 組成員的家人。當中三位已更生康復的性違法 人士獲邀出席懲教署舉辦的「預防性犯罪跨專 業會議 2020 」,講述他們於社區更生康復之心 路歷程。各綜合服務中心去年開始為社會事件 的個案及其家人提供服務,而慈康滙 @ 竹康活 動中心則和「法院社工服務 2.0 」攜手為社會事 件家人舉辦支援小組。