SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

47 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 加強衛生措施嚴防疫情 在新冠肺炎疫情期間, 6 間宿舍繼續實施預防 措施及健康教育予舍友,包括提供個人防護設 備、清潔用品、噴塗抗病毒塗層、醫學監察、 社交距離和探訪安排等。中途宿舍專業同工為 職員舉行培訓,學習正確防疫方法,動員社區 和醫療資源抗疫。宿舍因隔離、醫學監察或封 鎖住處而出現人手短缺,遂與本會社會康復及 支援綜合服務中心設立人手支援系統,培訓社 工隨時支援宿舍當值工作,應對特殊情況。 Reinforce Measures for Disease Prevention and Control During the coronavirus outbreak, six hostels continued to implement preventive measures and health education to residents, with the provisions of personal protective equipment, cleaning supplies, spray anti-virus coating, medical surveillance, social distancing, visitation arrangements, etc. In addition, our psychiatric halfway house professionals organised training sessions for staff to learn proper prevention methods and mobilise the community and medical resources to fight against the pandemic. Furthermore, considering staff shortages in the hostels due to isolation, medical surveillance or lockdown, we had implemented a workforce support system with the Integrated Service Center for Social Rehabilitation and Community Support (ISC) , with an aim to train up social workers to handle particular situations in the hostel. 宿舍義工在社區派發抗疫物資。 Hostel volunteers distributed anti- pandemic supplies in the community to fight the epidemic.