SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

3 主席獻辭 Chairperson’s Message 回顧過去一年,社會服務面對很多挑戰。在社 會變遷及疫情的衝擊下,各行各業都發展應變 模式,香港善導會的服務使用者都是弱勢社 群,幫助他們適應改變,本會實責無旁貸。 經歷疫情,大家更 重視身心健康 ,對更生人士 及精神復元人士而言,這尤其重要。有見及 此,本會把身心健康加入機構五年策略發展計 劃,期望能在社區彰顯其重要性。除向同工提 供健康管理的培訓,建立關注健康的機構文 化,同時為服務使用者提供各種健康服務,提 升他們留意身心健康,達至促進整體社區健康 的目標。 社會復康及預防犯罪服務 一直是本會的服務核 心,去年,本會特別向社會福利署申請撥款, 開展「法院社工服務 2.0 」外展服務計劃。本會社 工主動到醫院、警署、法院等向因社會事件被 捕人士及其家人提供諮詢和輔導服務,陪伴他 們應付漫長的司法程序,減輕他們的壓力和情 緒困擾,增強他們的解難能力,協助他們重新 融入社會。我們現正分析服務數據,爭取資源 延續計劃,提供新的服務給更多市民。 Last year was a year full of challenges and changes for the welfare sector. In light of social changes and the hard-hit of the epidemic, people from all walks of life swiftly and flexibly adapted contingency measures to live with the new normal. SRACP (the Society) has been dedicated to serving the underprivileged groups, in which helping the service users to adapt to the changes is the most important. After the disruption by COVID-19, we greatly value the physical and mental health , especially for ex-offenders and persons in recovery. In view of this, a physical, mental, and spiritual well- being element have been incorporated into the Society’s five-year strategic plan to highlight its significance in the community. In addition to strengthening staff training in health management, we prioritized the establishment of a health-conscious culture among the organization. Meanwhile, we provide various health-related services to our service users to raise their awareness of “body- mind-spirit” well-being, with the ultimate purpose of fostering community health. Social Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Service have all along been the fundamental service of SRACP. Last year, the Society received funding support from the Social Welfare Department to launch the “Court Social Work Service 2.0” to cope with the service needs of people affected by the social incidents. Our social workers have been reaching out to provide counselling and welfare assistance for arrestees and their families in different places, such as hospitals, police stations, courts, etc., to alleviate their pressure and reduce the emotional distress throughout the prosecution process, as well as preparing them reintegrate into the society. We are working on service data evaluation and striving for resources to extend the services for more people in need. 李瀚良 Patrick LI