SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

48 推廣正向活動助更生康復 宿舍繼續與社會康復及支援綜合服務中心緊 密合作,在康復活動加入「美好生命模式」,回 應參加者的興趣、能力和願望,支援其康復計 劃;並定期舉行個案會議幫助與實現服務使用 者的生活目標,以及每月舉行舍友大會促進他 們互相交流。 Promote Good Lives Activities to Enhance Rehabilitation Hostels have continued to work closely with ISC to arrange rehabilitation activities by applying the “Good Lives Model” to respond to the participants’ interests, abilities, and aspirations. For example, hostels hosted regular case meetings to help participants achieve their life goals, and arranged monthly residents’ meetings to express their views and mutual communications. 宿舍舉辦「美好生命小組」的園藝活動。 Hostel held gardening activities of “Good Lives Group Activity”. 舍友參加「顫動人心急救課程」。 Residents joined the “Saving Heart First Aid Course”.