SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

51 3.43% 3.99% 16.60% 2.38% 6.58% 1.19% 38.38% 27.45% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 70 4.27 1.96 5.32 57.49 1.19 6.37 % 23.39 沒有提供 Unknown 4.62% 3.36% 6.37% 6.16% 0.91% 2.31% 18.63% 57.63% 就業情況 Employment Status 曾干犯罪行 Distribution of Criminal Offences Committed 香港善導會宿舍 / 中途宿舍 SRACP Hostel / Halfway House 公共房屋 Public Housing 私人樓宇 Private Housing 租住套房 Rented Suite 木屋 / 租住整個單位 / 租住床位 Squatter Area / Rented Cubicle / Bed Space 露宿街頭 / 沒有固定住所 Street Sleeping / No Fixed Abode 其他 Others 沒有提供 Unknown 宿類型 Type of Accommodation 侵害財產 Against Property 毒品罪行 Drug Offences 違反公眾道德 Against Public Morality 侵害人身 Against the Person 違反本地法律 Against Local Laws 違反合法權力 Against Lawful Authority 沒有提供 Unknown 雜項罪行 Miscellaneous Crimes * 由於四捨五入的關係,百分比相加後未必等如 100% 。 Percentage may not add up to 100% due to rounding.