SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

52 健康教育服務 Health Education Service 香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 – 綠洲計劃 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Project OASIS 香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 — 綠洲計劃提供綜 合戒毒康復療程,為有濫藥問題的人士提供 短期住院脫癮治療及社區為本的康復服務。 在香港賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助下,計劃已進 入第十五年,並一直與葵涌醫院藥物誤用中心 合作,建立結合醫療及社會工作兩個專業的團 隊。 為鞏固脫癮治療的成果,綠洲計劃設有善後輔 導宿舍 — 白普理綠洲宿舍(領有社會福利署發 出之藥物倚賴宿舍治療康復中心牌照),提供 16 個男性短期宿位,並由朋輩輔導員協助濫用 藥物者達致脫癮及預防重吸。對於在白普理綠 洲宿舍康復進展理想而仍有住宿需要之服務使 用者,可申請安排入住短期支援宿舍 — 自力綠 洲宿舍,以便順行重返社區。 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Project Oasis, funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust since 2005, is an integrated and collaborative project by the Society and Substance Abuse Assessment Unit (SAAU) of Kwai Chung Hospital. It is characterised by joint effort between medical professionals and social workers, aiming at providing substance abusers with short term hospitalised detoxification treatment and comprehensive community based rehabilitative services. In order to further consolidate the efficacy of treatment, aftercare hostel — Bradbury Oasis Hostel with license under Drug Dependent Persons treatment and rehabilitation Centres (Licensing) Ordinance, provides 16 male placements. Past rehabilitated service users as peer counsellors to help substance abusers strive for detoxification and abstinence. Those who have rehabilitated well in Bradbury Oasis Hostel but still have residential needs, can apply for short term supportive placement in Chi Lik Oasis Hostel, so as to facilitate their return to independent living in the community. Service Data 服務 數據 102 服務個案數目 No. of clients served 819 133 481 24 小組活動次數 No. of group programmes offered 外出活動受惠人次 No. of outdoor activity beneficiaries 外出活動次數 No. of outdoor activities 服務使用者準備探訪深水埗區露宿者。 Service users were getting ready to deliver love and care to the street sleepers in Sham Shui Po. 服務 概覽 Service Overview 小組活動受惠人次 No. of programme beneficiaries