SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

53 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 強化預防重吸及身心靈健康 綠洲計劃鼓勵服務使用者實踐自我、發揮潛 能,達致全人發展,以加強預防重吸的果效。 隨著疫情持續,我們需要調整服務推行形式。 我們透過「幸福感元素 (PERMA+) 」介入手法、 個案輔導、活動、及宿舍服務,為服務使用者 建立幸福感,從而得到美好人生。我們向服務 使用者派發運動包、健康飲食貼士,讓他們養 成健康生活習慣;並教導他們善用資訊科技, 維繫社交關係。此外,宿舍於疫情期間繼續運 作,職員亦致力維持環境衛生,減低感染風險。 Strengthen Relapse Prevention and Well-being The Project encourages service users to discover their potential to achieve whole-person development, which significantly enhances the effectiveness of relapse prevention. As the pandemic continued, we had to modify the implementation method of service to meet demands. With the aid of “PERMA+”, we provided individual counselling, activities, and hostel services to service users, so that they could build a sense of happiness and get a better life. Also, we distributed sports bags and tips of healthy diet to service users for promoting healthy living habits; meanwhile, information technology was taught to help them stay connected during the pandemic. Moreover, two hostels of the Project continued to operate during the pandemic. All staff were able to maintain a good level of hygiene to reduce the risk of infection. 服務使用者進行毛巾操運動。 Service users were doing fitness exercise using towel. 舉行音樂會發放正能量。 A band show was organised for delivering positive energy. 職員定期為舍友做身體檢查。 Staff arranged body checks for residents of Bradbury Oasis Hostel.