SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

54 水銀星三號 – 深入愛滋病及血液傳播疾病支援及預防教育計劃 Mercury III – Intensive Support and Prevention Programme for AIDS and Blood-borne Diseases 由愛滋病信託基金贊助的「水銀星三號 – 深 入愛滋病及血液傳染疾病支援及預防教育計 劃」,以身心靈健康介入模式,協助服務對象減 少危害個人健康的行為,重建對自己健康負責 的生活方式。計劃寓意服務如「水銀瀉地,無孔 不入」,在社區推動愛滋病及血液傳染疾病的 預防教育及支援服務。計劃設有四個項目: The Mercury III – Intensive Support and Preventive Programme for AIDS and Blood-borne Diseases is funded by AIDS Trust Fund. A body-mind-spirit approach is adopted under an intervention model to provide holistic care to targeted service users, helping them to build up a new lifestyle, being responsible for their own health and minimising any harm to their health. Mercury III focuses on intensive preventive education on AIDS and blood-borne diseases in the community through four projects: 「止藍針計劃」 在華裔藥物誤用人士聚集的地點,例如美沙酮 診所,透過「幸福感元素 (PERMA+) 」及緩減傷害 的介入手法,並由已戒毒及已受訓的朋輩支援 員向目標對象推行個人、小組及社區層面的預 防教育。我們亦免費派發傷口及血液處理教育 宣傳包、安全套、針箱以及推動「無舊針」衞生 社區計劃。 「關懷移動網」 透過外展、個案工作、小組活動,為女性性工 作者及其顧客提供愛滋病及血液傳播疾病的預 防教育服務。我們利用不同網上平台,向大眾 及隱蔽群組推廣健康生活習慣;更會向目標群 組提供免費、保密、不記名的輔導及抗體快速 測試服務(愛滋病、梅毒、乙型及丙型肝炎), 並派發免費安全套及服務宣傳品,從而提高大 眾的自我保護意識。 「正向軌跡」 推行愛滋病及血液傳染疾病(性傳播疾病及病 毒性肝炎)預防及健康教育服務。通過大型講 座、小組及自製健康教育短片等不同形式,恒 常為 22 間不同院所、機構和單位提供健康教育 服務,包括懲教署轄下各類懲教設施、入境事 務中心、社會福利署轄下之感化 / 住宿院舍, 及非政府機構之封閉式戒毒中心等。 “Project COMPASS” With the aid of “PERMA+” and harm reduction intervention approach, peer supporters who were ex-drug users and well- trained, provide individual, group, and community preventive education at spots where Chinese drug users gathered, such as Methadone Clinics. Free blood and wound care educational kits, condoms and sharp boxes are distributed for promoting community hygiene scheme. “Project Care Mobile Net” We enhance female sex workers and their client’s awareness of safety sex through outreach education, online platform, individual and group education. We also provide counselling and free voluntary testing services (HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C included). Free condom and educational publicity items are distributed to the general public to encourage use of condom. Meanwhile, online outreach services are conducted through online and mobile applications to promote a healthy lifestyle so as to reach out hidden groups. “Project PATHS” It provides preventive and health education on AIDS and blood- borne diseases (including sexually transmitted infections and viral hepatitis). Through original health education videos, mass health talks, and intensive education groups, we regularly serve 22 different institutions, organisations, and units, including various correctional facilities under the Correctional Services Department, Immigration Centre, probation home under the Social Welfare Department, and closed drug rehabilitation hostels of different non-governmental organisations, etc. 服務 概覽 Service Overview