SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

55 「會員特務計劃」 透過網上外展、社區外展、小組及個案工作 等,為男男性接觸者高危群組提供愛滋病及血 液傳染病預防教育服務,並為服務使用者提 供自願性輔導及抗體快速測試服務(包括愛滋 病、梅毒、乙型及丙型肝炎),及向他們派發自 我檢測套裝、免費安全套及潤滑劑。 “Project Member Special Mission” We provide AIDS and blood-borne diseases preventive education to high-risk man who has sex with men through internet outreach, community outreach, group and case intervention. We also provide voluntary counselling and testing service (including HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis B & C), and distribution of self-test kits, free condoms and lubricants. 6,045 2,611 11,992 11,044 2,484 29 352 291,108 1,809 2,850 9 10,903 265,823 124 388,121 96,598 接受外展個別教育活動的對象 No. of drug users contacted 教育小組 / 活動 No. of beneficiaries of educational activities 派發傷口及血液處理 教育宣傳包數量 No. of blood and wound care educational kit distributed 宣傳教育物品 Educational items delivered 愛滋病、梅毒、乙型及 丙型肝炎測試及輔導服務 Counselling and testing service on hiv, syphilis, hepatitis b and c 社區教育小組 Community support group 愛滋病、梅毒、乙型肝炎、 丙型肝炎抗體測試及輔導 No. of counselling and Testing Service on HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C 派發安全套、 教育宣傳品及單張 Distribution of condoms and educational items delivered 愛滋病、梅毒、乙型及 丙型肝炎抗體測試及輔導 Counselling and anti- body testing of HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B & C 朋輩實習員服務時數 Volunteer hours provided by the Peer volunteers 健康教育短片 No. of educational videos 接受外展教育、個別及 小組輔導的性工作者及顧客 Sex industry workers and clients receiving educational outreach, individual and group counselling 透過社區、網絡及電話軟件外展 接受服務的男男性接觸者 Men who have sex with men receiving services from community outreach, internet outreach and mobile phone apps 基礎健康 關懷服務: 基本健康檢查 Primary Health Care Service: basic health check-up 網上外展接觸人數 No. of clients reached by internet outreaching 派發安全套、 教育宣傳及單張 Distribution of condoms, educational materials and leaflets 止藍針計劃 Project COMPASS 關懷移動網 Project Care Mobile Net 會員特務計劃 Project Member Special Mission 正向軌跡 Project PATHS 服務 數據 Service Data