SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

56 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 提供流動服務應對抗情 除提供恒常服務外,「止藍針計劃」亦因應疫情 而作出調整,以滿足社群的特別需要。我們於 上水、元朗、沙田、香港仔等地區的美沙酮診 所門外,提供流動快速測試服務,以照顧偏遠 地區社群人士的需要,維持他們進行測試的動 機,及減低長途旅程期間受傳染風險。 Provide Mobile Service in Response to the Pandemic To fulfil specific needs and service demands under the epidemic, a creative and new service model was implemented for service users who lived in remote regions. Project COMPASS set up a mobile voluntary counselling and testing service outside the methadone clinics in Sheung Shui, Sha Tin, Yuen Long and Aberdeen, in order to maintain our service users’ motivation to get tested and minimise the risk of COVID-19 infection during long journeys. 疫情下服務靈活應變 因應疫情持續,「會員特務計劃」社工及朋輩支 援員透過網上平台及交友程式,接觸服務使用 者及宣傳自我檢測套裝,並郵寄檢測套裝予有 需要人士,讓他們可在家進行愛滋病病毒抗體 快速測試,避免人群聚集和保持社交距離。 Service Adapt Timely with Contingency Measures to the Pandemic As the pandemic ravaged, social workers and peer supporters of the Project Member Special Mission promoted the self-test kit to service users through online platforms and social apps, and delivered the self-test kit to service users by mailing, so as to prevent crowd gathering and maintain social distancing. Service users could conduct the HIV antibody rapid test by themselves at home safely during the pandemic. 「止藍針計劃」於美沙酮診所提供 預防教育服務及派發物資。 Project COMPASS provided health education to drug users during outreach. 朋輩支援員於社區回收「舊針」。 Peer supporter collected used needles in the community.